DIY Growth Plan vs. Expert Help: Which Fits Your SME?

DIY Growth Plan vs. Expert Help: Which Fits Your SME?

Tired of Feeling Stuck? How a Growth Plan for your SME Sets You Free

Imagine this: You’re staring at a mountain of potential. Your Small to Medium – Sized Enterprise (SME) is brimming with possibilities, but the sheer scale of growth feels overwhelming. You know you need a plan, a roadmap to take your business to the next level. But where do you even begin?

This is the reality for countless Australian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). According to a recent report by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), SMEs make up a staggering 99.8% of all Australian businesses. Source: ABS, Australian Small Business Statistics, 2023. That’s a massive pool of entrepreneurs yearning to propel their ventures forward. The good news? A well-crafted growth plan is the key that unlocks that potential.

However, crafting a growth plan isn’t a one-size-fits-all endeavor. The question then becomes: DIY or “Done With You”? This blog explores the nuances of both approaches, delving into often overlooked aspects to help you find the perfect support system for your SME’s unique climb.

The DIY Route: Building Your Own Ascent

The DIY approach is a self-reliant journey. You take the reins, researching, strategising, and implementing your growth plan on your own terms. This offers several advantages:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: DIY avoids upfront consulting fees, making it a budget-friendly option.
  • Autonomy: You have complete control over the plan’s direction and pace, ensuring alignment with your vision.
  • Learning Experience: The process itself becomes a valuable learning curve, building your knowledge and confidence.

But here’s the flip side:

  • Time Commitment: Researching strategies, analysing data, and crafting a comprehensive plan demands significant time investment. For busy SME owners, this can be a major hurdle.
  • Knowledge Gap: You might lack specific expertise in crucial areas, leading to potential blind spots in your plan.
  • Accountability Factor: The absence of external guidance can make it harder to stay on track and motivated.

The “Done With You” Approach: Partnering for Peak Performance

The “Done With You” model bridges the gap between complete autonomy and fully outsourced services. Here, you collaborate with a consultant or coach who guides you through the growth plan creation process. It offers numerous benefits:

  • Expert Insights: You gain access to valuable knowledge and experience, ensuring your plan is grounded in best practices.
  • Streamlined Process: The consultant facilitates the process, saving you valuable time and streamlining implementation.
  • Accountability Partner: Your coach provides ongoing support, keeping you motivated and focused on achieving your goals.

However, there are some considerations:

  • Cost: This approach typically involves fees for the consultant’s services.
  • Adaptability: While the plan is tailored to your needs, it might not offer the same level of hands-on control as a DIY approach.
  • Finding the Right Fit: Selecting the right consultant with the expertise and experience aligned with your vision is crucial.

Beyond the Basics: Uncovering the Hidden Considerations

Most blogs typically stop here, outlining the pros and cons of each approach. However, there’s a crucial layer often missed – the hidden considerations that determine the right fit for your SME. Here are some key factors to ponder:

  • Your Stage of Growth: Are you a young startup laying the foundation? A well-established business seeking expansion? Your needs will change depending on where you are in the journey.
  • Your Skillset and Time Availability: Honest self-assessment is critical. Do you possess the necessary expertise for a DIY approach, or can you spare the time investment?
  • Your Leadership Style: Do you thrive on independent decision-making or benefit from collaborative brainstorming and expert guidance?
  • The Complexity of Your Growth Goals: A simple market expansion plan might be DIY-friendly, while a complex digital transformation might require the expertise of a “Done With You” partner.
  • Your Learning Preferences: Do you learn best by diving in headfirst or by having a mentor guide you through the process?

Unveiling the “Goldilocks Zone” of Growth Plan Support

Ultimately, the ideal approach lies somewhere on a spectrum – not a rigid binary choice. The “Goldilocks Zone” of growth plan support exists where the level of assistance perfectly matches your unique needs and resources. Here’s where some creative thinking comes in:

  • Hybrid Approach: Consider a blend. Start DIY, but engage a “consultant” for specific areas requiring expertise or an objective perspective.
  • Phased Approach: Begin with a DIY plan for a foundational level of growth. As your goals become more complex, transition to a “Done With You” approach.
  • “In-the-Trenches” Support: Perhaps a full-fledged “Done With You” consultant feels premature. Engage a specialist for an hourly consultation for tackling specific challenges within your DIY plan.

Real-World SME Stories: Finding Their Path

Sometimes the best way to make a decision is by witnessing it in action. Let’s look at two scenarios:

  • SME #1: The Solopreneur Connie runs a thriving handmade jewelry business from her studio. She dreams of building an e-commerce platform and expanding her online presence. With a limited budget but strong creative skills, Connie opts for a phased approach. She learns the basics of web design and online marketing on her own, seeking targeted hourly consultations from a specialist to fine-tune her online store and SEO strategy.
  • SME #2: The Legacy Business Tom recently took over his family’s manufacturing company, eager to breathe new life into it. He recognises the need for modernising processes, updating branding, and pursuing new markets. Tom engages a consultant in a “Done With You” collaboration. This allows him to guide the strategic direction while leveraging the consultant’s expertise for market analysis, process optimisation, and developing a refreshed marketing strategy.

Making the Call: When to Pivot

Even the best-laid plans might need adjustment as circumstances change. How do you recognise the right time to shift your approach? Watch out for these signs:

  • Slow Progress or Stagnation: If your DIY approach isn’t yielding results after a reasonable time, it’s time to reassess.
  • Rising Complexity: As your goals scale, you might encounter areas outside your expertise, warranting additional support.
  • The “Lost at Sea” Feeling: If you find yourself overwhelmed or confused about the next steps, seeking guidance can be transformative.
  • Unexpected Opportunities: If a major opportunity emerges (like a potential partnership or expansion deal), bringing an experienced consultant onboard can ensure you strategically leverage it.

The Power of the Right Partnership

Choosing the right level of support for your SME growth plan is a crucial business decision. Remember, it’s not about DIY being inherently “good” or “bad”. It’s about self-awareness, understanding your needs, and finding the perfect approach to help your business ascend to the next level. With the insights in this guide and an honest evaluation of your unique situation, you’ll unlock the path to sustainable growth for your SME.

Wishing you epic wins for your SME!!

SME growth plan,DIY growth plan,Done With You growth plan,support for business growth,business strategy,business planning for SMEs,Australian SMEs,grow your business,cost-effective growth,Budget Growth Plan: DIY or Expert Guidance for SMEs,DIY Growth Plan vs. Expert Help: Which Fits Your SME? Red 

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Aussie Lead Gen: Crack the Code in 2024

Aussie Lead Gen: Crack the Code in 2024

The Lead Gen Powerhouses: Proven Tactics That Convert

Imagine this: You’re a passionate Aussie entrepreneur, running a thriving business. You’ve poured your heart and soul into crafting a fantastic product or service, but the leads just aren’t flowing in like you’d hoped. Statistics show you’re not alone. A recent study by HubSpot Australia: revealed that 52% of Australian marketers struggle to generate enough leads.

That’s where the magic of lead generation (lead gen) comes in. But with the ever-evolving marketing landscape and unique nuances of the Australian market, generic lead gen strategies might not be enough. Here’s where we delve into the “Aussie Angle,” exploring tactics specifically designed to resonate with Australian customers and boost your lead generation efforts in 2024.

The Australian Consumer: Understanding Your Audience

Before diving into specific tactics, let’s understand who we’re trying to reach. Australian consumers are known for their value-driven nature, placing a high importance on quality, authenticity, and supporting local businesses. A Roy Morgan: https://www.roymorgan.com.au/ consumer survey found that 82% of Australians prefer to buy from local businesses if the price and quality are comparable. This means your lead gen efforts need to showcase the value proposition of your offering and establish trust with potential customers.

Another crucial factor is the mobile-first mentality of Australians. According to Statista: https://www.statista.com/ over 23 million Australians use smartphones – that’s 92% of the population! This translates to a need for lead gen strategies that are optimised for mobile devices, from landing page design to lead capture forms.

These insights form the foundation for our Aussie-centric lead gen tactics. Let’s explore some approaches that go beyond the usual suspects.

Beyond the Basics: Lead Gen Tactics That Pack a Punch Down Under

1.Leverage the Power of Hyperlocal Content Marketing

Gone are the days of generic content that appeals to everyone. Today’s savvy Australian consumers crave information that’s relevant to their specific needs and location. This is where hyperlocal content marketing shines.

What it is: Creating targeted content that addresses the challenges and interests of a specific geographic area within Australia. Think blog posts on “The Best Local Restaurants in Wollongong” or webinars on “Compliance Tips for Small Businesses in Sydney.”

Why it works: Hyperlocal content demonstrates your understanding of the local market and positions you as a trusted advisor. Additionally, with Australians spending a significant amount of time on their phones, local search engine optimisation (SEO) becomes crucial.

How to implement it: Focus on long-tail keywords that are specific to your location and industry. Partner with local influencers or businesses for content creation. Utilise social media platforms like Facebook Groups and local community forums to engage with potential customers.

Example: A Wollongong-based accounting firm creates a series of blog posts on tax implications for different Australian property types, targeted towards suburbs with high homeownership rates.

2. Embrace the Rise of “Shoppable” Social Media

The lines between social media and e-commerce are blurring in Australia. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are now facilitating seamless shopping experiences. This opens exciting lead gen possibilities.

What it is: Utilising built-in features like Instagram Shopping and Facebook Shops to showcase your products or services directly within the social media platform.

Why it works: Shopable social media removes friction from the buying journey, allowing Australians to make impulse purchases while scrolling through their feeds. It’s also a great way to capture leads through features like “Save for Later” or product inquiries.

How to implement it: Invest in high-quality product photography and engaging video content. Utilise social listening to understand your audience’s needs and interests. Run targeted social media ads to reach a wider audience.

Example: An Australian activewear brand uses Instagram Reels showcasing their clothing in action at popular local hiking spots. Viewers can directly access the product page within the app for easy purchase.

3. Build Trust with Customer Testimonials & Case Studies

As we mentioned earlier, trust is paramount for Australian consumers. Showcasing the positive experiences of existing customers is a powerful way to build that trust and generate leads.

What it is: Utilising customer testimonials, case studies, and success stories to demonstrate the value your product or service provides.

Why it works: Hearing positive experiences from others resonates strongly with Australians. It provides social proof and gives potential customers a clearer understanding of how your offering could help them.

How to implement it:
Feature short testimonials on your website, landing pages, and social media. Develop longer case studies showcasing how you helped specific Australian businesses solve a problem or achieve a goal using your product or service.

Example: A Fairy Meadow-based marketing agency features a client case study highlighting how they helped a local café increase online bookings by 30% through a targeted Google Ads campaign.

The Aussie Edge: Channels Often Overlooked

4. The Untapped Potential of Podcasts

Podcasts are all the rage in Australia, with listenership steadily increasing. They provide an intimate setting for building relationships with your target market.

What it is: Partnering with relevant podcasts as a sponsor or guest to reach a niche audience. Create your own podcast focused on your industry’s pain points with an emphasis on providing value to listeners.

Why it works: Podcasts create a sense of community, with Australians feeling personally connected to their favorite hosts. Sponsoring a popular podcast allows you to tap into that pre-built audience and generate highly qualified leads.

How to implement it: Research podcasts that align with your target audience. Explore guest opportunities to showcase your expertise, or consider a branded podcast segment where you answer frequently asked industry questions.

Example: A Wollongong-based e-commerce consultant sponsors a podcast focused on retail trends, regularly offering insights and practical advice to Australian e-commerce businesses.

5. SMS Marketing: Permission is Key

While text messaging might seem like a dated channel, SMS marketing can be powerful in the Australian market when done right, with a focus on gaining explicit consent and providing value.

What it is: Utilising SMS to send promotional offers, personalised messages, or appointment reminders directly to potential customers who have opted-in.

Why it works: Australians are highly engaged with their phones, and SMS boasts open rates far exceeding email marketing. “According to a survey by Swift Digital, the SMS open rate for Australia is a whooping 94%!” It’s a direct and personal way to reach customers, especially for time-sensitive updates or local promotions.

How to implement it: Offer a clear incentive for customers to opt-in, such as exclusive discounts or early access. Use SMS to complement your existing marketing channels rather than replace them. Always prioritise permission and provide a clear “unsubscribe” or “opt out” option.

Example: A Sydney-based florist allows website visitors to sign up for text alerts about daily flash sales on popular bouquets, with limited-time availability to prompt immediate action.

Additional Considerations for Aussie Lead Gen Success

  • Privacy: Australian businesses must adhere to strict data privacy regulations. This means always gaining clear consent before collecting customer information. Consider offering transparent privacy options and emphasising your commitment to ethical data practices.

  • Personalisation: Australian consumers value authentic, personalised connections with brands. Go beyond basic segmentation and tailor lead gen efforts based on demographics, behaviors, and interests. Use dynamic content on landing pages or personalised email subject lines to reflect their preferences.

  • Patience & Measurement: Lead generation, like fine wine, takes time to mature. Track your results, experiment with different channels, and refine strategies over time. Don’t be discouraged by initial setbacks – consistency is key to maximising your lead generation potential.

The Aussie Journey Continues

As with any marketing endeavor, success comes from relentless testing and evolving with the ever-changing marketplace. These “Aussie Angle” tactics will help you stand out and resonate with a discerning local or national audience. 

In today’s post, we took a deep dive into the Aussie marketing landscape. Generic strategies won’t cut it anymore! We discussed why hyperlocal content, shoppable social media, and trust-building tactics are crucial for winning over Aussie customers in 2024 and beyond.

Feeling inspired to up your marketing game? We’re pumped! But remember, execution is everything. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – that’s what YBR Marketing is here for. 😎

Ready to turn those marketing ideas into real-world results? Book a free strategy session with our team, and let’s make it happen! Click Here

Let’s spark discussion below – feel free to share your successful lead generation tactics or unique challenges as an Aussie business!

I hope this serves you, 🫶

AussieMarketing,LeadGenAustralia,DigitalMarketing,Marketing That Works,Local SEO,Content Marketing,Blog Power,Grow Your Business,Shop Local,fairy meadow marketing agency,Aussie Lead Gen: Crack the Code in 2024 Red 

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Senior-Friendly Marketing Tips for 2023

Senior-Friendly Marketing Tips for 2023

Why Seniors are the New Power Consumers: The Rising Importance of the Senior Market

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get caught up in targeting younger demographics when it comes to marketing strategies. However, neglecting the 55+ age group means missing out on a significant and often overlooked market. Seniors are more tech-savvy than ever before and are actively seeking products and services that cater to their needs and preferences. Whether you’re promoting retirement communities, healthcare services, business start-ups or leisure activities, it’s crucial to understand how to effectively connect with this demographic. In this article, we will explore the top tips and tricks for senior-friendly marketing, ensuring that your messages resonate with the 55+ age group. From creating relatable content to utilising the right channels, we’ll dive into strategies that will not only boost your visibility but also build trust and loyalty among this valuable audience. So, let’s dive in and discover how to unlock the untapped potential of senior-friendly marketing!

Understanding the Senior Demographic

To effectively market to seniors, it’s essential to understand their unique characteristics and preferences. The 55+ age group is diverse, comprising individuals with varying interests, lifestyles, and needs. However, there are some common traits that can help guide your marketing efforts.

Firstly, it’s important to recognise that many seniors have a strong sense of independence and self-reliance. They value their autonomy and appreciate marketing messages that respect their decision-making abilities. Secondly, seniors are often looking for products and services that enhance their quality of life, whether it’s health and wellness solutions, retirement planning, or leisure activities. Lastly, it’s crucial to acknowledge that many seniors have a significant amount of disposable income, making them an attractive market segment for businesses across various industries.

By understanding these key aspects of the senior demographic, you can tailor your marketing strategies to resonate with their specific needs and aspirations.

Why market to seniors?

Before we delve into the strategies for senior-friendly marketing, let’s first address why it’s important to target this demographic. The 55+ age group represents a substantial and growing market segment. According to recent statistics, there are over 52 million individuals aged 55 and older in the United States alone, and this number is expected to reach 95 million by 2060.

Furthermore, seniors have a significant purchasing power, with an estimated $3.2 trillion in annual spending. With such a substantial market potential, it’s clear that businesses cannot afford to overlook this demographic. By developing marketing strategies that effectively engage seniors, you can tap into this lucrative market and drive business growth.

Challenges in marketing to seniors

While marketing to seniors presents numerous opportunities, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the main obstacles is the misconception that seniors are not technologically inclined. While it’s true that some seniors may not be as comfortable with technology as younger generations, the gap is narrowing. Many seniors are embracing digital platforms, using smartphones, tablets, and computers to connect with others, access information, and make purchasing decisions.

Another challenge is the tendency to stereotype seniors as a homogeneous group. While there are commonalities among seniors, it’s crucial to recognise their diversity and avoid making assumptions based on age alone. By taking the time to understand the unique needs and preferences of your target audience within the senior demographic, you can tailor your marketing messages to resonate with them on a personal level.

Additionally, it’s important to address any potential barriers that seniors may face when interacting with your marketing materials. This can include font size, colour contrast, and user-friendly website navigation. By ensuring that your marketing assets are accessible and easy to understand, you can eliminate any potential obstacles that may hinder seniors from engaging with your brand.

Senior-friendly marketing strategies

Now that we have a solid understanding of the senior demographic and the challenges associated with marketing to this group, let’s explore some effective strategies for senior-friendly marketing.

Creating targeted messaging for seniors

To effectively connect with seniors, it’s crucial to develop messaging that resonates with their unique needs and aspirations. Start by identifying the key pain points and desires of your target audience within the senior demographic. Are they looking for ways to stay active and healthy? Are they interested in financial planning for retirement, are the starting a new business? By understanding their motivations, you can craft messaging that speaks directly to their specific concerns.

When creating content for seniors, it’s important to use language that is clear, concise, and easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may confuse or alienate your audience. Instead, focus on using relatable language that speaks to their experiences and desires. Additionally, incorporating storytelling and personal anecdotes can help create an emotional connection with seniors and make your messaging more memorable.

Utilising traditional marketing channels

While digital marketing is essential in today’s landscape, it’s important not to overlook the power of traditional marketing channels when targeting seniors. Many seniors still rely on traditional media, such as television, radio, and print publications, as their primary sources of information. By including these channels in your marketing mix, you can reach a wider audience and increase your brand visibility among seniors.

When utilising traditional marketing channels, it’s important to be strategic in your approach. Consider partnering with media outlets that have a strong senior following or sponsoring events that cater to this demographic. Additionally, make sure your messaging is tailored to the specific channel you’re using. For example, television advertisements may require a more visual and engaging approach, while radio spots may rely on compelling storytelling and sound effects to capture attention.

Harnessing the power of digital marketing

While traditional marketing channels are valuable, digital marketing offers unique opportunities to connect with seniors on a more personal level. Many seniors are active on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, and use search engines to research products and services. By developing a strong online presence, you can engage with seniors where they spend a significant portion of their time.

When implementing digital marketing strategies, it’s important to optimise your online content for search engines. Seniors often rely on search engines to find information, so it’s crucial to ensure that your website appears in relevant search results. This can be achieved through search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques, such as keyword research, content optimisation, and link building.

Additionally, consider incorporating video marketing into your digital strategy. Seniors are increasingly consuming video content, making it an effective way to capture their attention and convey your brand message. Whether it’s through product demonstrations, customer testimonials, or educational videos, video marketing can help build trust and credibility among seniors.

Designing user-friendly websites and advertisements

When it comes to marketing to seniors, user experience is paramount. Many seniors may have age-related visual impairments or difficulties navigating complex websites. To ensure that your online assets are user-friendly, consider implementing the following design principles:

– Use clear and legible fonts with an appropriate size and colour contrast.

– Ensure that your website is easy to navigate and intuitive to use, with clear call-to-action buttons.

– Optimise your website for mobile devices, as many seniors use smartphones and tablets for online browsing.

– Include relevant and engaging visuals that enhance comprehension and capture attention.

By designing user-friendly websites and advertisements, you can create a seamless and enjoyable experience for seniors, encouraging them to engage with your brand and take the desired actions.

Building trust and credibility with seniors

Trust is a crucial factor in senior-friendly marketing. Seniors are more likely to engage with brands they perceive as trustworthy and credible. To build trust among this demographic, consider implementing the following strategies:

– Highlight testimonials and reviews from satisfied senior customers to showcase positive experiences.

– Develop partnerships with reputable organizations and associations that cater to seniors.

– Provide transparent and accurate information about your products and services, including pricing, benefits, and potential risks.

– Offer exceptional customer service and support, addressing any concerns or questions seniors may have promptly and empathetically.

By prioritising trust and credibility in your marketing efforts, you can establish a strong relationship with seniors, fostering loyalty and repeat business.

Measuring success in senior-friendly marketing

As with any marketing campaign, it’s essential to measure the success of your senior-friendly marketing strategies. Start by defining clear and measurable goals that align with your overall business objectives. Are you looking to increase brand awareness among seniors? Are you aiming to drive conversions and sales within this demographic? By establishing specific metrics, such as website traffic, engagement rates, and conversion rates, you can track the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

In addition to quantitative metrics, it’s also important to gather qualitative feedback from seniors. Conduct surveys, focus groups, or interviews to gain insights into their perceptions and experiences with your brand. This feedback can help you refine your marketing strategies and ensure that you’re continuously improving your approach to better meet the needs of this demographic.

To Summarise

Marketing to seniors requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. By understanding the unique characteristics, needs, and preferences of the 55+ age group, you can develop effective marketing strategies that resonate with this valuable demographic. From creating targeted messaging to utilising traditional and digital marketing channels, there are numerous strategies to connect with seniors and unlock the untapped potential of senior-friendly marketing. By prioritising user experience, building trust and credibility, and measuring success, you can create meaningful connections with seniors, driving business growth and establishing long-term relationships. So, embrace the opportunities that senior-friendly marketing offers and position your brand as a trusted partner for this growing market segment.

In conclusion, effectively marketing to the 55+ age group can be both rewarding and profitable for your business. Don’t forget to check out our cutting-edge Seniors-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering, which can help you seamlessly connect with this vital demographic! Thanks for stopping by, and if you have any questions or require assistance, our team at YBR Marketing is here for you.

Ready to discover the transformative potential of Seniors-as-a-Service Accelerator Plans for your business? Sign up for a free consultation with our experts today!

Until next time,
John from YBR Marketing

Website Design Wollongong – How Much Does It Cost?

Website Design Wollongong – How Much Does It Cost?

It’s safe to say your business will only grow if you have a website. Most small businesses don’t realize how important a website is until it’s too late. Don’t fall into this trap. Your website should be one of, if not, the most important tools in your business arsenal. It’s easy to fall for the lie that “I don’t need a website because my business is small now and will stay small in the future”. This is far from the truth. And no, it doesn’t matter what industry you are in or how big or small your company may be. If you are in business, you need a professional designed site that will help build credibility, create opportunities and improve the overall image of your company to customers online.

A website is an essential tool for any business. 

Ensure that your website looks exactly how you envision it. You can choose between a simple one-page website or a more complex multi-page website.

A well designed website is essential if you want to succeed online. If you are thinking about starting a business, then you should consider having a professionally designed website. The best websites are those that look attractive and are easy to navigate. Websites that are poorly designed can be very frustrating for visitors.

Create a professional looking site that will attract new clients and keep existing ones coming back.

When designing a website, there are many things to think about. You must decide what type of content you want to include on your website. There are several different types of content available such as text, images, video, audio, etc. Once you have decided which type of content you would like to use, you must choose a web host. Web hosting refers to the place where your website resides. There are many different companies offering web hosting services. Some of them offer free web hosting while others charge monthly fees. After choosing a web host, you must register your domain name. Domain names are unique identifiers used to identify websites. For example, www.example.com is a domain name. You must purchase a domain name from a company that offers domain registration. Finally, you must install a web page builder software program onto your computer. A web page builder allows you to easily add pages to your website without needing to know HTML code.

Choose a Theme.

We use WordPress as our CMS platform because it offers a lot of flexibility and power. If you need help choosing a theme, we recommend starting with these popular themes.

Themes are what makes WordPress unique. You can choose from hundreds of free and premium themes available online. There are many different types of themes, such as blog themes, magazine themes, eCommerce themes, etc. Each type has its own set of features and benefits. For example, some themes offer drag-and-drop page builders, while others allow you to customize every aspect of your site. Some themes are mobile responsive, while others are not. Some themes are SEO optimized, while others are not (yet).

Customize it

We know what you’re thinking.

You want a website that looks great and is easy to manage. You probably want it to be mobile-friendly, too. And you definitely need it to work well with SEO—or at least look like it does.

But you don’t want to pay for all that.

Well, we’ve got the answer for you. We’ll create a site that’s perfect for your business using WordPress and our custom theme builder, which means you can easily make changes yourself whenever you need to. Plus, we’ll optimize your site for speed and search engines so that it performs well in Google searches—saving you time and money on SEO costs.

Add features like contact forms or eCommerce.

If you want to create a website that will help you grow your business, it’s important to include features like contact forms, blogs, galleries, eCommerce, and more. These tools allow visitors to communicate with you directly, share content, and purchase products. In addition, many of these features are free to use—which means you won’t have to pay extra fees to add them to your site.

The best websites include these tools because they allow visitors to engage with the brand in a meaningful way. They also make it easy for visitors to share content and buy products without leaving the site or having any technical knowledge about how websites work.

Upload images and videos.

Images and videos add life to your website. It’s not just the words you use that can make your site more visually appealing, it’s the images and videos you add to it as well.

Images and videos are powerful tools for creating a captivating user experience. They are also valuable tools for converting visitors into customers. They help people feel like they know you, understand what your business does and how it works, and even how it can help them solve their problems.

Key Factors for Website Costs

After you have determined what type of website you want to create, it’s time to figure out how much it will cost. Website design costs can vary depending on the type, size, and complexity of your site.

The process of designing a website can be broken down into three parts: content, design and development. Content is what you put on your site, such as text and images. Design refers to the way your site looks (for example, its color scheme). Development is how your website functions (for example, whether it has an online store or not).

As you can see, there are a lot of factors that come into play when you’re trying to determine your site’s design cost. Everything from the complexity of the site to the tools, technologies and hosting services you need to use can have an effect on your price. Through our own experience building websites over many years, as well as watching thousands of websites get built by customers using popular website builders, we’ve developed some general guidelines for estimating your website design price based on the type of site you want.

website design costs comparison

Resource: Australian average website design costs – IBISWorld

For most businesses, a website design is the most important marketing tool you have. A professional website is no longer an option. It’s critical to success.

Our website design costs have never been lower. We have website plans to suit any business type..

To Your Marketing Success


wollongong digital marketing

What’s Your Unique Selling Position?

What’s Your Unique Selling Position?

Get Out Of The Commodity Business By Developing A Unique Selling Proposition

You know you’re marketing your business as a commodity when prospects start the conversation by asking you about price.

Positioning yourself as a commodity and hence being shopped on price alone is a terrible position for a small business owner to be in. It’s soul crushing and this race to the bottom is bound to end in tears.

The answer is to develop a unique selling proposition (USP). Something that positions you differently, so that prospects are forced to make and apples-to-oranges comparison when comparing you with your competitor.

If they can do an apples-to-apples comparison of you and your competitors then it comes down to price and you’re toast, because there’s always someone willing to sell cheaper than you.

There’s Nothing New Under The Sun

Very few if any businesses or products are truly unique, so a common question is, “there’s nothing unique about my business, how do I develop a USP?”.

There’s no quick and simple answer to that question but here are a few ideas.

Firstly we want to get into the mind of our prospect. What do they really want? It’s rarely the thing you are selling, it’s usually the result of the thing you are selling. The difference may seem subtle but it’s huge.

For example someone buying a $50 watch is buying something very different from a person buying a $50,000 watch. In the latter case they are likely buying status, luxury and exclusivity. Sure they want it to tell the time just like the buyer of the $50 watch but that’s unlikely to be their core motivation.

So to get into the mind of the prospect, we need to discover what result they are actually buying. Once you understand this, you then need to craft your unique selling proposition based on the result your prospects want to achieve.

For example if you’re a printer, you’re a commodity business. You want to get out of the commodity business as quickly as possible. I don’t mean get out of the industry but you do need to change how you position yourself.

Stop selling business cards, letterheads and printing and start asking open ended questions such as, “Why are you coming to a printer? What is it that you want achieve?”. The prospect doesn’t want business cards and letterheads, they want what they think business cards and letterheads are going to do for their business.

So you could sit down with them and and say, “What are you trying to accomplish? Let’s do a printing audit and evaluate all of the things you’re trying to use printing for. By taking them through the process, you can charge them to do a printing audit. Then if they end up hiring you to do their printing, you can apply that consulting fee towards printing. This way you’re no longer viewed as a printer anymore. You’re now viewed as an advisor that’s serving their needs.

Use Outrageous Guarantees

Another great strategy for creating uniqueness in your offer is an outrageous guarantee. One which completely reverses the risk of the transaction.

To be truly unique when using this technique you must avoid the vague crap that everyone says e.g. satisfaction guaranteed, service quality, dependability.

You must have a very specific guarantee to address the fear or uncertainty that the prospect has about the transaction.

For example if you’re in the pest control business you’re customers want to know:

  1. The pests won’t come back
  2. The technician won’t leave their house dirty
  3. That you won’t poison their family with chemicals

So you’re outrageous guarantee could be something like this:

“We guarantee to rid your home of ants forever, without the use of toxic chemicals, while leaving your home in the same clean and tidy condition we found it. If you aren’t absolutely delighted with the service provided, we insist that you tell us and we’ll refund double your money back.”

Compare that to a weak, vague guarantee like, “satisfaction guaranteed”.

Does an outrageous guarantee like the one above entail risk for the pest control service provider? Sure, if they do a crappy job. But in a case like that they’re likely to have to give the customer a refund anyway. It may even be a legal requirement.

Here’s the other thing about guarantees. If you’re an ethical operator, you are most likely already offering a guarantee but you just aren’t using it to your advantage in your marketing.

So why not make a point of talking about something that you’re already doing.

Most people are honest and won’t abuse guarantees if they’ve received the service they were promised.

Even after accounting for the few people who do abuse them, you’ll be far ahead because a strong guarantee will attract more customers than a weak and vague one.

A strong, results oriented guarantee will also drive you to deliver a great customer experience. This alone ensures that it’s worthwhile to have a strong guarantee.

Your customers have their own fears. When you can name the fears and guarantee
against them in your marketing, you give yourself an overwhelming advantage
over your competitors.

Pricing Strategy

I’m sometimes asked, “can’t lowest price be my USP?”. Sure it can, but can you absolutely guarantee that everything you sell will be priced lower than all your competitors including the behemoths like Target and Kmart? Unlikely.

So a USP that says “lowest prices on some things, some of the time” is not quite so compelling.

The fact is if you’re a small or medium business, you’re unlikely to beat the big discounters at the lowest price game.

Truth be told, you probably don’t want to. By charging higher prices, you attract a better quality client. As counter intuitive as it may seem, you get far less grief from high end customers than you do from low end ones. I’ve seen and experienced this in multiple businesses across multiple industries.

A better option than discounting is to increase the value of your offering.

Bundling in bonuses, adding services, customising the solution can all be of genuine value to your customer but can cost you very little to do.

This also helps you create that apples-to-oranges comparison that gets you out of the commodity game.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game. So as hard as it may be to resist, don’t play the commodity/price game.

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“I would like to acknowledge the wonderful Alan Dib from Successwise

Why I Need Google Ads Conversion Tracking

Why I Need Google Ads Conversion Tracking

Easy Steps to Follow?

Lucky for you, it’s seriously simple to track conversions using Google Ads. In this guide, I’ll take you step by step through how to set up and monitor conversions for your online ads and marketing campaigns.

You’ve got your Google Ads campaign up and running, and your ads and keywords are starting to generate an impressive number of clicks. Great! But unless you’ve got conversion tracking installed, you won’t be able to see how many of those clicks are actually resulting in sales. 

conversion touch points

Conversion Touch Points

Google Ad Conversion Tracking: How It Works

Conversion tracking is a system that allows you to monitor the performance of your Google Ads campaigns at an individual level. With this information, you can make changes to your account that will optimize your ads and increase ROI.

In order to get started, you’ll need to set up conversion tracking in Google Ads, which involves three things:

1) Turning on conversion tracking for each campaign or ad group (this is done by going into the “Settings” tab under “Tools”)

2) Setting up conversion values for each conversion type you want to track (you can do this by going into the “Conversions” tab under “Tools”)

3) Creating goals for each conversion type (the goal creation process is the same as setting up the conversion types)

Google Ads setup objectives

Why It’s Important To Track Conversions In Google Ads

Google Ads can be a powerful tool for your business, but it’s only as powerful as the data you have about what works and what doesn’t.

In order to make the most out of your advertising budget, you need to know how many conversions each ad brings in. This is where conversion tracking comes in! Conversion tracking allows you to see which ads are driving the most conversions and then use that information to make adjustments that will help optimize your campaigns.

You can use conversion tracking with any of Google’s ad types, including text ads (formerly known as Search Network), image ads (formerly known as Display Network), remarketing ads (formerly known as GDN), YouTube video ads, and shopping ads.

Understanding Google Ads Conversions

Google Ads tracking is a powerful tool that allows you to track the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns. But if you’re looking to track conversions in Google Ads, you need to define your conversion, install the proper tracking tag, and choose an attribution model. Of course, if it were that simple, we wouldn’t need an entire blog post for it. We’re going to get into the step-by-step instructions for this shortly, but before we do, let’s unpack what each of those terms means so you can get a full picture of what this all means for your Google Ads account.

Defining Your Conversion

When you set up conversion tracking, you’ll need to choose a method for counting your conversions. This method is called an attribution model, and it can be either first click, last click or linear. The choice of attribution model depends on how many ads a user interacts with before completing a conversion action.

First click attribution gives all the credit to the first ad they interact with; last click attribution gives all the credit to the last ad they interacted with; linear attribution gives each ad a fraction of the credit based on how many times they interacted with each one before completing a conversion action.

attribution model

Conversion value is an option within some conversion actions that allows you to assign a specific value towards that given action. For example, a business might know that form-fills from a specific landing page lead to a $2000 job versus a $200 one, so that page’s conversion action will have that value applied to it. This can impact bidding strategies within your account, like maximize conversion value.

Google tag is a code you add to your website that acts as the “middle man” between your website and your Google Ads account. We’ll fully explain the Google tag installation process and purpose later. For now, keep in mind that this is what enables your website to accurately signal completed actions back to your Google Ads account.

Google Ads enables you to track a variety of conversions.

There are several types of conversion actions in Google Ads, and each one has a different purpose. For example, a click-through is just that: someone clicked on your ad and then visited your landing page. A form-fill is when a user filled out an online form (usually to receive more information about your product). A sale is when someone makes a purchase through your website. Here are the five main types:

Website actions are the most basic or well-known types of Google Ads conversions. A website action could be a purchase, form-fill, button click, and more.

Website conversions are when your website visitors take an action on your site.

These are the most basic or well-known types of Google Ads conversions. A website action could be a purchase, form-fill, button click, and more.

Phone calls: This conversion type is also very popular as it’s simply a call to your business that originates from your Google Ads.

If you have a local business, this is one of the best ways to track conversions, since Google Ads can provide you with details about the number of calls your ads received and who made them.

The only downside is that there are no details on how many people actually went through with buying something once they called—you just get to know how many people called.

App installs and in-app conversions: These only apply to businesses that are advertising an app. Their purpose is to count app downloads or other interactions within an app.

App installs: When someone clicks on your ad and downloads your app, Google Ads counts this as a conversion.

In-app conversions: If someone opens your app after clicking on the ad, Google Ads counts this as a conversion. In-app conversions also include purchases, upgrades, or subscriptions made within the app.

If you’re not advertising an app, then these data types won’t apply to you.

Imported or offline conversions: These are actions that happen offline, but may have originated from an ad. You would import those tracked offline actions, such as an over-the-phone sale or in-person action, via a customer relationship management (CRM) platform.

Google Ads Conversion Tracking (GATC): This is the easiest way to track conversions on Google Ads. GATC is a snippet of code that you add to your site’s code so it can track actions on your site and report them back to Google Ads as conversions.

Free Professional Standard SOP: “Adding Google Ads conversion tracking to a site (using GTM)”

When a user completes an action that is specific to an advertiser’s physical location, it’s considered a local conversion action. These are automatically defined for you by Google Ads since they occur only across Google’s products or services, like Google Maps. Some examples of local actions are clicks to call, viewing a menu, or getting directions.

You’ll also have to choose a conversion category for your conversion actions. The point of this is to make segmenting your PPC reporting easier later by separating out data by category. There are 12+ conversion categories in Google Ads, but Google containers them into types:

Sale categories: Making a purchase, adding an item to a cart, initiating checkout, or subscribing to a recurring service are all examples of sales categories. These are the ones you’ll be familiar with if you’ve ever made a purchase online before—they’re what you see at the end of an e-commerce checkout process!

Non-sale categories: Clicking on an email newsletter signup form or filling out a contact form are examples of non-sale conversions. These kinds of actions are important because they represent potential customers who have become aware of your brand but haven’t yet made the decision to buy anything.

Leads categories: These include other website actions as well as local actions, such as submitting a lead form, booking an appointment, requesting a quote, calling your business, or getting directions.

There are further categories you have the option to select for unique Google Ads conversion tracking situations, like page views or downloads.

Conversion types: You can also choose from different conversion types. These include:


-Click on a URL

-Click on a phone number

-Click on an image (that is not an image ad)

conversion category types

Setting up Google Ads conversion tracking can be done in three steps.

Now that you know what to expect during the process, let’s walk through a basic website conversion action set up! In order to set up conversion tracking, you’ll need:

A website to place your Google tag code.

The ability to edit your website code: You or your web developer will have to paste a short snippet of code onto your website.

There are two core steps to start your Google Ads conversion tracking journey: creating a conversion action and installing your Google tag.

Step 1: Create a conversion action.

The first step for a standard Google Ads conversion tracking setup is creating a conversion action within the Google Ads platform. Here are the quick, easy steps to do so:

1. Sign into your Google Ads account.

2. In the upper right corner, click into the tools menu, and select the Conversions option located under the Measurement bucket.

3. You’ll be brought to the summary section within your Conversions view, where you’ll want to click +New conversion action.

4. Select website as your type of conversion action and follow the prompts to enter your domain and scan your website. This is to check if you have the Google tag installed on your site. If you don’t, you’ll receive a snippet of code you’ll be prompted to put on your website.

5. Choose how you want to set up your conversion action: either URL setup or manual setup (more on this below).

Which Setup is best?

While a URL setup is quicker and easier, it will only apply to you if you’re looking to track a page load as a conversion.

A manual setup allows you to track clicks on buttons or links, with the option to customize the event tag with conversion value tracking and transaction IDs.

It’s a fairly easy process. You just follow the prompts, and during this step you’ll select an attribution model and other settings. Click on the links below to 

Instructions for a URL setup,

Instructions for a manual setup.

I’ve linked to an Attribution Model Guide, so you can decide which one is right for you.

Guide to attribution models.

Step #2: Set up your Google tag

If you’re ready to get started with Google Ads conversion tracking, the next step is going to depend on whether or not your Google tag is already set up.

If your Google tag is already set up and you created your conversion action using a URL, then you’re done and good to start seeing data on that conversion.

If your Google tag is not set up and you created your conversion action using a URL, you’ll get a screen with instructions on how to set it up.

If your Google tag is already set up and you created your conversion action manually, then you’ll get instructions on adding the action’s unique event snippet.

If your Google tag is not set up and you created your conversion action manually, then you’ll get instructions on both setting up the Google tag as well as adding the event snippet for the action itself.

Installing the Google tag

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Step #3: Check your Google Tag

To ensure that your Google tag is properly installed and firing off conversion tracking correctly, follow these steps:

1. Sign into your Google Ads account and navigate back to the Conversions section via the upper right corner menu.

2. In the conversion actions table view, you can see under the Status column how any single conversion action is performing. You can click on a statuses to get more information about it or click on Resolve to see what could be causing it. Check out our Google Ads conversion tracking hang ups guide to know which statuses to look out for.

3. If everything looks good, then you’re ready to start analyzing data!

google tag installation

Looking at your Google Ads conversion data

Once you’ve set up your Google Ads conversion tracking, you’ll be able to start seeing conversion data in your account!

To see this data, you’ll want to add columns like “Conversions” (known as “conv.” in the column view of the platform), “Conversion Rate,” and “Cost/Conversion” to your view. That way, you can leverage those PPC metrics to know you’re getting the most bang for your buck.

And if you’re wondering how your conversion data stacks up against competitors, check out this search ad industry benchmarks.

search conversion industry benchmarks

Troubleshooting Google Ads conversion tracking

You’re not seeing any data in your conversion columns.

If you’re seeing zero conversions in your conversion columns, don’t worry.

It can take up to 24 hours for conversion data to start appearing in Google Ads. If after 24 hours your conversion still isn’t showing up, it’s possible that no customers have converted yet. One way to test this is by going through the motions of a conversion yourself by clicking on your ad when it appears and doing whatever action is required to trigger the conversion on your site.

If after another 24 hours your conversion isn’t registering, double-check that the code was installed correctly. You might have to install additional plug-ins or move the code to a different part of the page.

The campaign has received many clicks, but not many conversions.

If your Google Ads campaign is receiving a lot of clicks, but few conversions, it’s time to take a look at your landing page.

A common reason for this kind of discrepancy is that you’re sending users to your homepage instead of a dedicated landing page. Sending users to your homepage can result in low conversion rates because the visitor doesn’t know what they’re getting into when they click on the ad.

It’s also possible that your landing page isn’t optimized for conversion. Is there a prominent CTA? A simple form? Is the key information available above the fold? If not, it could be that people aren’t ready to convert when they arrive at your site and so they don’t do anything at all—or worse yet, they leave without converting.

Finally, it’s important to make sure that if someone clicks on one of your ads, they’ll be reassured upon reaching their destination that they’ll get what you’ve promised them—including the same keywords and copy so that the person is reassured upon clicking on the ad that they’ll get what you’ve promised them.

Thanks for reading, and we hope you got as much out of this article as we did in writing it. Ultimately, there is a lot to know about Google conversion tracking, but no matter what level of expertise you are at with your conversion tracking, hopefully this guide helped answer some questions and get you headed in the right direction to be more successful with your paid media strategy.

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