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Why Advertising Agencies are the Best Option for your Business

Why Advertising Agencies are the Best Option for your Business

If your business wants to grow, advertising agencies are the way to go.

As a small to medium sized business owner, you would have to agree that one of the toughest things to figure out is how to get the attention of potential clients. While we have all heard that word-of-mouth is the best way to generate business, today’s customers are inundated with ads, promotions and information overload. As a result, they can easily ignore your message or even worse, get annoyed with it. That’s why advertising agencies are so important. They are trained strategists who know how to deliver your message in a way that will capture the attention of your target market and keep it from interfering with their world.

They also have the resources and experience to help you reach your goals.


When you’re in the business of selling products and services, it’s important to have an advertising agency on your side. They have the knowledge and resources to help you achieve your business objectives. They have the ability to develop creative campaigns that will attract customers to your products and services.

What’s more, they can help you build a brand that people will recognize and want to buy again and again.

Business owners who work with advertising agencies tend to see results quickly—and those results are often measurable in terms of increased sales or improved customer loyalty.

You get access to their expertise.

Every marketing campaign is unique. Your business has its own goals, needs and audience. You need an ad agency that can develop a customized strategy for your company based on your specific needs.

The best ad agencies are able to take the time to understand your business and your goals before they develop a plan of action. They know that effective advertising requires more than just creating an ad campaign; it requires understanding who you’re trying to reach and what message will resonate with them.

You get access to new ideas.

You’ve got a business to run, and you don’t have time to spend hours on your marketing strategy.

Fortunately, an advertising agency can help you get the most out of your marketing dollars. They can bring fresh perspectives to your business, helping you develop creative campaigns that will appeal to your target audience. They can also provide insight into the latest trends in your industry so you can stay up to date with current events.

You get access to more qualified leads.

It’s no secret that marketing is a challenging endeavor. In order to succeed, you need to get your message across to the right people at the right time—and that means being able to reach a diverse range of demographics.

You need to get access to more qualified leads.

When you work with an advertising agency, they are able to offer you a wealth of opportunities that would otherwise be unknown to your business. This includes access to advertising platforms and markets that might not be available to smaller businesses like yours.

You also get access to more qualified leads.

When companies advertise on TV or radio, they are often advertising to everyone in their local area or even state. This means that the leads generated by these ads may not be targeted enough for your business needs. With an advertising agency, you get access to a network of professionals who will target their campaigns specifically at your ideal customer base.

At the end of the day, an ad agency is the ideal choice because they are experts at creating marketing material. While they will require payment for the services they provide, it is a small investment that can pay off in a big way. Their expertise will result in a better advertising campaign than you could ever run on your own.

Ultimately, the agency you choose will depend on your own needs and preferences. But if you are searching for an advertising agency that can provide your business with primary or secondary marketing tools, such as commercials or advertisements, then an ad agency may be just what you need to help your company thrive.

Dedicated To Your Marketing Success


wollongong digital marketing


How To Compete With Big Spenders In Google Ads

How To Compete With Big Spenders In Google Ads

Every Small Business Can Compete With Big Advertisers

As a small business owner, you know that Google Ads can be an amazing way to get in front of the eyes of your target audience and grow your business. You also know that Google Ads can be expensive.

And you know what hurts?

When you spend a lot of time, energy, and money on your ad campaigns, and then you see the big-budget competitors out-spending you. It makes you feel like all that effort was wasted—like you didn’t even stand a chance in the first place. And it makes it hard to keep going when you’re feeling like there’s no point in trying to compete with those guys.

But here’s the thing, you don’t need to spend $50k+ per month on ads to get results, there is a way to compete with them without spending more money!

There are a few things you can do right now that will help level the playing field in your favor. Here are some tips and tricks for competing with big spenders without spending more $$

Big advertisers are always using conversion tracking

If you’re spending money in Google Ads, and you aren’t using conversion tracking, you need to ask yourself this:

How are you supposed to know what’s working? How can you optimise for success if you don’t have the data to back it up?

If your CTR (click through rate) is a measly 2%, and you’re not seeing conversion volume climbing as a result of your ads, then something is wrong. You might think that people just aren’t clicking on your ads, but maybe they are! Maybe they’re just not converting after they click.

Maybe they were too busy looking at their phones to notice the call-to-action in the ad. Maybe they didn’t have time to click on their mobile device while driving down the road at 60 miles per hour. Maybe they were distracted by a cat playing with string or something. Who knows?

The point is: if people aren’t converting on your site after clicking on your ads, then there’s probably something wrong with either your ad copy or landing page (or both). You need data from those clicks so that you can make the necessary tweaks and see results.

Even if you’re spending less money on Google Ads than Coca-Cola (and who isn’t?), you should care about ROI (Return On Investment). Getting conversion tracking set up on your website is relatively simple and completely free (unless you need a developer’s assistance). But it can make a big difference in your business. The $500 or $10,000 or however much you’re spending on Google Ads each month can significantly impact your business—and learning how and why is paramount to your success in Google Ads. That starts with conversion tracking.

Get Your Free Access To Professional Standard Analytical and Tracking SOPs >> “How To Set Up Google Tracking on Your Website” <<

Big advertisers have more landing pages than small spenders.

You know that ad that’s been working like gangbusters for you? The one with the low CPC (Cost per Click) and high CTR (Click Through Rate)? Well, what if we told you that was just the tip of the iceberg?

As it turns out, even with conversion tracking enabled and a structurally sound account in place, there’s a factor outside of Google Ads that can have a profound impact on performance. I’m talking about those action-inducing corners of your website to which you send paid traffic. I’m talking, of course, about landing pages.

Big-budget advertisers know that if you have multiple ads and multiple offers, you need multiple landing pages too. That’s because your prospects will respond much better to specific, tailored messaging that matches the ad they clicked very closely. If you’re sending all your traffic to one generic landing page (or worse, your home page!) they’re going to get confused and bounce.

When you’re small, it can be hard to find the time to build new landing pages.

But if you want to take your Google Ads campaigns to the next level, you need more than one landing page.

More than 1 in 4 (26%) of lower-budget Google Ads accounts only have a single active landing page, compared to just 4% of top-spending accounts.

We know this is a challenge—especially when you have limited resources at your disposal.

However, even if your Google Ads account is only a few months old and your team consists of just one or two people, there are ways for you to begin testing different images and copy on each page.

First off, duplicate the current design of your landing page and make multiple versions for each ad group. Then, optimize the language for each page based on the keywords being targeted by that ad group. This will help improve relevance for both users and Quality Score algorithm (in an ideal world, you can do this at the ad group level).

Get Your Free Access To Professional Standard Funnel SOPs >> How to Create a Lead Generation Landing Page <<

According to recent studies, big spenders have a 17% higher conversion rate than small spenders.

If you care about your business, you’re probably interested in improving your conversion rate.

You’ve probably heard that big spenders have a higher conversion rate, but why?

We’ll tell you: because they prioritise conversion rate optimisation.

When you start considering CRO, it’s tempting to skip right to your landing pages (if you have more than one!) and start fiddling with button colors and graphic elements. Don’t do that. Or, rather, do that later. But start at the beginning.

Make sure the keywords you’re bidding on relate to your business. Broad terms might bring in a ton of traffic, but paying for superfluous clicks is a waste of your budget. We recommend allocating more than half of your budget to high-intent, top-converting keywords.

You can see how important it is to create a landing page that converts.

It’s your chance to show people what you have to offer, and why they should buy from you. It’s also your opportunity to address their needs and concerns, so they can feel confident in their decision to choose you over the competition.

But there are a lot of things that can go wrong in this process. Your landing page might not be mobile-friendly, or it could be cluttered with too much information or make visitors work too hard to find what they need. Or maybe your headline is boring, or your call-to-action buttons are unappealing or difficult to find.

You need to make sure that everything on your landing page works together in harmony: everything works together nicely so it all adds up to a positive user experience for visitors. That means:


  • Using compelling headlines (just like your ads!)
  • Writing concise and targeted body copy (not too much information)
  • Testing different CTA buttons until you find one that works best for you

Top spenders have 38% higher click-through rates than average.

If you’ve ever spent any time in Google Ads, you know that a lot of people are bidding on the same keywords.

And if you’re not spending tons of dough in Google Ads, you can compete with the big guys by spending more time on your ad copy, and by getting creative.

Top-spending Google Ads accounts have an average CTR of almost 7%, whereas low spenders have an average CTR of 5%.That’s a 38% difference—a chasm in a world where a few measly percentage points can mean the difference between profitability and boarding your doors.

So how are the big guys doing it? The truth is, bidding more isn’t going to make your ads more clickable. The ads at the top of the SERP (search engine results page) are generally the ones with the highest Quality Scores, which correlates highly with relevance and better-than-expected click-through rate. If your ads really resonate with users, you can get high CTR even if you’re bidding less than bigger advertisers!

It’s no secret that the world has moved towards mobile devices. In fact, over half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices—a number that’s only set to grow.

And with the rise of mobile comes a shift in how we consume content: most people don’t read past the headline.

By improving relevance (leveraging your target keyword) and including a call to action in your headlines, you can improve your CTRs without having to crack your piggy bank open.

Big Advertisers Are Using More Ad Extensions Than Smaller Ones (4,631 % more)

Chances are, you’ve heard ad extensions like Sitelinks, Location, and Callout Extensions can help improve your click-through rate (CTR). But have you ever wondered why? Or how?

For small businesses, ad extensions can be a huge difference-maker. Ad extensions can improve your click-through rate six-fold

When it comes to PPC (pay per click) ads, size matters, and these top spenders know that you can use every ad extension in the book to make your Ads big enough to blot out the sun (or at least the rest of the SERP).

Provided your ads are served in the top three positions, there are a dozen extensions you can use to increase both value and ad real estate (and that doesn’t even include the automated extensions Google’s want to sling your way just because it’s a Wednesday afternoon).

We get it. If you’re a one-man-band, routine optimsation and writing ads is time-consuming enough; worrying about optional ad extensions probably feels like a waste of time. That said, if you’ve got an hour or two to spare each month—and especially if your competitors are willing to take advantage of automatic extensions—you might want to consider enabling some of these extras for yourself.

Get Your Free Access To Professional Standard “Paid Strategies SOPs” >> How To Reverse Engineer Your Competitor’s Google Ads Strategy <<

>> Google ad alchemy template  <<

When you’re trying to get a message across, it’s all about making it as easy for people to understand as possible. The same goes for online ads: Your job is to ensure that your ad gets noticed, so people can read your message.

That’s where Google Ads sitelink extensions come in—they make sure that your ad stands out from the crowd by providing additional information about your business or service in an easy-to-read format. In fact, 13.5% of Google Ads accounts don’t have their sitelink extensions applied to every campaign! That’s a huge number of potential customers who could be lost before they even see the main headline of your ad.

Don’t let this happen to you! Take a page out of the big boys’ playbook and implement sitelinks today!

Big Spenders Add More Keywords To Negative Keyword Lists Than Small Spenders

Negative keywords are the unsung heroes of any high-performing Google Ads account. You know they’re there, and you assume that they’re working hard to protect your campaign from irrelevant impressions, but you only think about them when something goes wrong.

If you’re bidding on all the right keywords (high intent! relevant! volumetrically salient!), but you can’t seem to earn a conversion to save your life, it’s probably not because your prospects don’t like you. Provided you’re tracking conversions, it’s likely that either…

  1. A lack of negative keywords is causing a deluge of superfluous impressions, many of which are stealing budget away from those interested in your offer
  2. Overzealous negative keywords are impeding your ability to enter auctions for relevant search queries

If you operate with a lean marketing budget, I’m willing to bet that it’s 1. But why is that?

Top-spending Google Ads accounts use many more negative keywords than low-spending accounts; 98% of top-spending accounts use over 250 negative keywords.

Say you sell men’s shoes, and you’re bidding on the keyword +men’s +shoes. How many of these terms do you want to serve ads for?

The first thing you need to know is that there are a lot of search terms that don’t convert.

Many of them are simply too broad to justify paying for (see: “shoes”). Others may be off-brand (like “sneakers” or “cheap shoes”). Paired with the sky-high monthly search volume on some of these, you’d be out of budget before you could blink.

Large advertisers have already figured this out, and devote a little time each week to reviewing their search query reports, between visits to the Ping-Pong table and chocolate fountain.

For the rest of us, by simply jumping into the search terms report available in AdWords, filtering out terms that converted, and sorting by impressions, we’re able to discern whether a search query is making us money or costing us money. While doing so, it’s well worth the little extra elbow grease to add negative keywords frequently if you want to maximize your ad spend and save money in Google Ads.

High spenders tend to have higher quality scores.

You might have clicked on the link above “Quality Score”, if not exactly what is a Quality Score?

You’ve probably heard the term before, but you’re not really sure what it means.

Well, wonder no more! A Quality Score is Google’s rating of the overall user experience that your ads and landing pages provide when users search for your keyword(s). This includes factors like ad relevance and performance, as well as landing page experience.

It all comes down to this: If you want to get a better Quality Score, you need to make sure that the people who click on your ads are happy with what they see when they get to your website.

If they’re not happy with what they saw in the ad or on the landing page, then they may not come back again. And unless they return (and return often), Google won’t show your ads as often. So if you want to keep getting clicks and make more money from them (which is why we all do this), then it’s important that you pay attention to how much people love what they see when they land on your site!


quality score image

Image source: Wordstream

As you can see, Quality Score can drastically raise or reduce your average CPC. A perfect Quality Score can discount your CPC by about 50%; a heinous Quality Score can increase costs by 400%. At that point, you’re either bidding on the wrong keywords or there’s some serious work to be done on your ads and landing pages.

Impression-weighted Quality Score is a variation on the QS metric that’s available to you in Google Ads. The difference is straightforward: it adjusts for the number of impressions (shocking, I know), giving you some much needed context. Impression-weighted Quality score isn’t a KPI, per se, but it is an indicator of health. Like a Google Ads thermometer.

According to the latest research, top spenders have an average impression-weighted Quality Score of 6.3, where low spenders average just 5.6. That 12% difference might not sound like much, but in reality it represents unneeded budget inefficiency that small businesses simply cannot sustain. If you’ve got a lower budget, you need to do everything in your power to make sure you’re spending it efficiently.

To determine the impression-weighted Quality Score of a given ad group or campaign use the following formula:

(Impressions * Quality Score) / Impressions

Once you’ve got a handle on your impression-weighted Quality Score, it’s time to pull some levers to improve it. The factors that impact Quality Score the most are:

  • That all-important CTR (Click Through Rate)
  • Ad relevance (what is it?)
  • Landing page experience

Again, improving ad copy and landing page quality (resources to help with this) are the most direct ways to close the gap between the average joe and the multi-national conglomerate (at least when it comes to Google Ads)

>>>>Google Ads Grader<<<<

Big spenders are more active in their accounts.

The big spenders aren’t just spending more money in their accounts; they’re also spending more time there. We found that the $50K-and-up crowd are 1196% more active than the smaller spenders. They’re getting in there and actually doing all the stuff we talked about above.

Big spenders take more actions in their accounts, so they get better results.

Money can’t buy happiness, and it can’t buy you a perfect Google Ads account. However, with great budgets comes great responsibility—and business owners who spend a lot on their online advertising take their account performance very seriously, so they invest time and attention in their accounts, not just money.

So What Does It All Mean?

Even if you can’t raise your budget significantly, you can make like a big spender and commit to more activity in your account: adding new keywords and negative keywords, testing new ads, building dedicated landing pages, enabling every ad extension under the sun.

If you spend a month or two working diligently on your account without spending a penny more, and If done right, a series of small steps today can help steer your Google Ads towards greater profitability tomorrow.

Dedicated To Your Marketing Success


wollongong digital marketing


Essential & Affordable Marketing Tools For Your Marketing Tool Chest

Essential & Affordable Marketing Tools For Your Marketing Tool Chest

Optimise Your Marketing Efforts

It’s not easy to run a small business. You’re probably spread thin and don’t have the budget or personnel to shell out for countless expensive marketing tools. The good news is that there are plenty of affordable and effective tools out there to help you optimize your marketing efforts and compete with the big guys. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite marketing tools to help you avoid marketing madness. You won’t need them all, and we’re not comparing apples to apples here. So find a few that work for your business and invest time and energy into maximizing them.

Read on to learn more about these tools for analytics, content marketing, lead generation, SEO, PPC, email marketing and automation, design, project management and social media below the infographic.

How are you measuring your small business’s success? The Power of Analytics for Small Businesses

What’s the only thing better than having great marketing analytics? Having great marketing analytics paired with easy to use customer engagement tools. You’re online, in a very crowded space, competing for your customer’s valuable attention.

If you’re looking for a solid analytics tool, consider these options:

Google Analytics

When it comes to marketing, the importance of analytics can not be overstated. The truth is that if you don’t have a solid analytics tool in place, you’re missing out on all sorts of opportunities to improve your business.

Chances are you’ve heard of Google Analytics. It allows you to capture and analyze data on your web traffic and visitors. When used effectively, you can greatly increase your site’s user experience and increase conversion rates.

Google Analytics is one of the best tools out there for analyzing your website’s traffic, but it’s not your only option. There are several other great analytics tools that offer similar functionality and can help take your business to the next level by providing insight into how people interact with your content.


Do you have a SaaS business? If so, you need KISSmetrics!

KISSmetrics will help you find out where your prospects are coming from and map their journey on your website from prospect to customer. It gives you the important data you need to optimize your marketing channels, attract more customers, and get them to convert once they reach your website.


Hotjar is an all-in-one analytics and heatmap tool that integrates with tons of tools like WordPress, Instapage and Unbounce. Hotjar’s setup is incredibly easy AND you can record web visits to see where your customers are clicking and focusing on your website.

With hotjar, you can see how users are interacting with your site—from clicks, to scrolls and even mouse movements. You can also see how many people are using your site in real time!

Hotjar has several different types of tracking:

Heatmaps – See what areas of your page are getting the most attention (and which aren’t). This will help you optimize your pages for conversion!

Recordings – Record web visits so you can see what people are doing on your website or blog. Perfect if you want to see where they’re clicking or scrolling on a specific page.

Funnels – See how many users drop off at each step of the conversion funnel before converting. Use this info to improve your conversion rates!

Surveys – Collect feedback from visitors about their experience on your website or blog by creating surveys with Hotjar’s survey tool.


You know what’s better than a customer? A customer who loves you.

And you know what’s better than a customer who loves you? A customer who loves you so much that they tell their friends and family, who also become customers!

But how do you get there? How do you take the first step to building that kind of relationship with your customers?

Well, first of all: stop doing things manually. If you’re managing a website or platform and answering customer service emails by hand, it’s time to change that.

Intercom is a customer messaging platform that allows you to see where your customers are getting tripped up and to send them targeted messages to solve their problems. The tool gives insight into areas of improvement on both your website and within your platform if you’re a Saas company. By automating customer service and triggering live chat, you can keep customers engaged and prevent costly churn.

How Small Businesses Can Use Content Marketing to Grow.

As a small business owner, you’re probably focused on growth. To that end, have you considered content marketing as a strategy for growing your business? It can be an excellent way to attract potential clients. If that is something you want to learn more about, read on..


WordPress powers 27% of the internet. And there’s a reason for it. WordPress is the easiest content management system out there (in our humble opinion), and it’s super reasonably priced: free for personal use, but the best package for small businesses starts at $8.25 USD/month.

That’s right—you can get all the benefits of a professional website that you control at an affordable price!

You know what else makes WordPress so great? It’s easy to use, even if you don’t have any technical skills. You don’t need any special training or knowledge of coding, because WordPress does most of the hard work for you! And if you need help, there are tons of tutorials and resources available online to help you get started (just search “WordPress tutorial”).

What are some other benefits of using WordPress? Well, here are just a few:

-It’s free to start with and only costs money once your site gets big enough that there are fees involved in hosting it.

-It has thousands of themes available so that no matter what kind of business or brand identity you have, there will be something out there that suits them perfectly!

-It has built-in security measures.


Don’t waste your valuable time searching for content.

With Feedly, you can search, organize and share relevant content directly from one place. Not only that, but it integrates with several project management tools such as Slack and Trello.

Here are some other reasons why you should use Feedly to curate your social presence:

– It’s easy to use

– It saves time by letting you focus on what matters most

– You can access it anywhere


Are you one of those people who never get their blog posts edited before they go live? You know the ones—they have all kinds of weird mistakes in them, like the fact that their subject and verb don’t agree, or their pronoun doesn’t agree with its antecedent, or their passive voice is clogging up their writing.

We feel your pain. But we also have a solution! Grammarly can help you avoid embarrassing errors like these.

Grammarly is an online grammar checker that works with your spell checker (if you use one) to catch errors in your writing that are way too common for anyone to make on purpose. It will even help you avoid common typos like “their” instead of “there.”

And if you spring for the premium version, Grammarly also offers a plagiarism checker that can help ensure that none of your content has been lifted from other sources without proper citations.


You’ve got a great content marketing plan. You know who you’re targeting, how to reach them, and how to keep them engaged.

Now it’s time to get down to business: writing headlines.

Headlines are the first thing readers see when they look at your content. They determine whether or not they’ll click on it—and if they don’t click, they won’t read any of your amazing content.

So we recommend using CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer tool to make sure your headlines are as strong as they can be. This tool will give your headlines numeric scores AND suggestions for making them even stronger!


BuzzSumo is an excellent tool to help you uncover the trending topics and content that performs across various social media the best. You can also identify influencers (and spy on your competition if that’s what you’re into).

With BuzzSumo, you can:

1. Find out what’s trending across all major social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+), including content published by specific people or brands.

2. Identify the most shared content on each platform for any time period between 1 month and 6 months—or even longer if you want to go back through history!

3. See which sites are linking to a certain piece of content.


Video marketing is all the hype this year, and it’s no wonder why: people love watching videos! It’s a great way to show off your product or service in a fun and engaging way, but it can also be super intimidating. If you’re new to video marketing, I’ve got some great news for you: Wistia is the best resource for learning how to make videos that convert.

Wistia is an awesome video tool that helps you create stunning videos with ease. Not only do they offer analytics, automation and a place to host your videos (which is perfect if you’re hosting on your own site), they also have an incredible call-to-action feature that allows you to drive traffic back to your site no matter where your Wistia video lives on the internet.

Small Business Tools for Capturing Leads

Small business owners have unique challenges when it comes to generating leads. If you’re struggling with generating leads, check out these small business tools that can help you capture more qualified leads. I’ve worked with many (too many) SMBs over the years and know these tools in particular will help you thrive


JotForm is a drag-and-drop form builder that allows you to create, publish and analyze online forms.

The best part? You can do all of this in no time at all! JotForm is the easiest way to build, host and share your forms. It’s free, easy to use and works great on any device.

You can build your form in minutes and customize it however you like. Once you’re ready to publish, JotForm will send users directly to their form so they can fill it out. And if you want feedback from users, JotForm includes a survey feature so you can collect information about how your customers feel about certain products or services.

JotForm helps businesses save time by eliminating the need for manual data entry and expensive software tools. It also helps them easily collect customer feedback so they can make informed decisions about what direction their business should go next.


As a business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate. You’re trying to grow your list, improve your conversion rate, and increase sales.

But how can you possibly do all of that and still make sure your website is running smoothly?

Enter OptinMonster.

OptinMonster’s simple lead capture forms are an easy way to serve up irresistible resources to your audience, growing your list. OptinMonster allows you to A/B test your forms to see what’s working and what isn’t so you’ll understand why your visitors are staying and going.


If you’re looking for a way to build a landing page without having to code or hire a professional web designer, then Unbounce is a great option.

Unbounce has beautiful pre-designed templates that will allow you to get your pages up and running in no time. You can choose from over 100 different templates, or use one of the many free ones available on their site. You can also create your own layout using their drag-and-drop builder, or add elements from Unbounce’s library of stock images and videos.

You can even use Unbounce’s built-in A/B testing feature to find out which designs are working best for your users.


LeadPages is a popular landing page builder that makes it super easy to create beautiful, professional-looking landing pages without any coding.

LeadPages offers pre-designed landing page templates, pop-up forms and the ability to send SMS opt-in codes. They boast tons of easy integrations and their Pro Plan starts at $48 USD/month.


Sumo (formerly SumoMe) has an array of helpful lead capture tools, including sophisticated opt-in forms, easy integrations with just about any content management system, Google Analytics integrations and heatmaps. Pricing depends on your website visits but starts with a free package (best for those just getting started).

If you’re looking for a tool that helps you grow your mailing list while tracking the effectiveness of your campaigns, Sumo is the solution for you. The service offers many options for capturing leads and driving traffic to your website, including heatmaps and analytics reports.

SumoMe is an all-in-one platform that helps you grow your email list, improve your website’s performance, and make more sales through their email marketing tools. It has an intuitive interface that makes it easy for anyone to use; however, it does require some technical knowledge to set up correctly. If you’re looking for a simple solution without much customization then SumoMe might be right for you!


HelloBar is a tool that helps you turn website visitors into email subscribers, and those subscribers into customers. The tool is simple and easy to use, and it’s free for the first 100 emails you send.

The lead capture bar, called HelloBar®, adds a non-intrusive lead capture bar to your website. Visitors can enter their contact information right there on your site, and you’ll get an alert when they do so. You can then send them an email thanking them for signing up—and inviting them to subscribe to your newsletter!

The tool also allows you to promote your social content. When users click on any link in the bar, they’ll be sent directly over to Facebook or Twitter so they can share your content with their friends. They’ll even get a reminder of what they were just reading about right when they arrive at another site.

And finally, HelloBar® makes it easy for you to A/B test your messaging: just go through all of the options available in the app and see which ones perform best!


Qualaroo is the best way to get the answers you need about your website, product and conversion funnel.

Qualaroo allows you to optimize your site by providing targeted website surveys to capture customer insight. With Qualaroo you can target questions to visitors anywhere on your website, in your product or in your conversion funnel. Their startup package starts at $199 USD/month billed annually.

Qualaroo is a great tool for getting valuable information from your customers and increasing conversions. The surveys are easy to set up and you can choose where they appear on your site. You can also set up triggers so that only people who have visited certain pages will be asked questions about them.


When you’re a small business, you have to use every tool at your disposal.

LiveChat is an easy way to engage customers on your website, capture visitor information and provide more personalized, immediate customer service. The LiveChat starter package starts at $19 USD/month—and it’s a great way to capture prospects from your website who might otherwise bounce.

Small businesses can save money on SEO and PPC with simple tools.

Talking to marketing agencies can get expensive, especially if they are trying to sell you on SEO and PPC without telling you that there is a much cheaper alternative. This guide provides some alternatives which will make SEO and PPC affordable for your business.


WordStream is the company to trust when it comes to all things PPC and paid advertising. They know their stuff and they can help you get the most out of your digital marketing efforts.

Their free Google Ads Grader is a surefire way to know where your small business can make improvements. It’s quick and easy to run through, and it will show you exactly what you need to do in order to make sure that your ads are reaching their full potential!

Not only does WordStream have a phenomenal team and company culture, but they’re absolute bosses when it comes to all things PPC and paid advertising. Their free Google Ads Grader is a surefire way to know where your small business can make improvements.


Yoast is the most popular SEO plugin for WordPress. The tool works easily to optimize your content and landing pages to make sure your site is set up for success. With features like a readability checker and keyword optimizer, Yoast will make sure your content is optimized for the right eyes.

With Yoast, you’ll be able to take full advantage of our best-in-class features. You can simply install it on your WordPress site and get started optimizing your content automatically. You’ll get notified when one of our amazing features has detected an issue with your content or meta tags so you can fix it before Google notices it and penalizes you!

Google Adwords

Google AdWords is an incredibly important advertising platform that can help your small business reach new customers.

AdWords offers search, display and video advertising to help you reach your customers where they’re searching. This means you don’t have to pay for every customer who finds you on Google; instead, you can choose which customers are the best fit for your business.

There is a cost to using AdWords, but it’s worth it for your business to drive more traffic to your website.


SpyFu is the best tool for spying on your competition.

We all know that SEO is a competitive game, but we also don’t have time to waste. SpyFu makes it easy to see where your competitors rank, what keywords they’re bidding on, and what strategies they’re using—without having to do any of the hard work yourself.

SpyFu literally allows you to spy on your competitors. The platform allows you to search for any domain and see every place they’ve shown up on Google. You can also see a list of every keyword your competition bought on Adwords, every organic rank, and every ad variation in the last 10 years. Now that’s good detective work.


Ubersuggest will help you find the best keywords for your business. It’s a tool that helps you dig deep into Google’s search suggestions and find out what people are searching for—and then how they’re searching for it.

You can use this data to do a few things:

1) Figure out what people want to know about your product or service,

2) See what keywords they’re using to search for your product or service, and then

3) Use those keywords in your content strategy so that when someone searches one of those terms, they’ll find your website!

Email Marketing & Automation For Small Businesses

Email marketing and automation is one of the most effective marketing methods for small businesses. It permits sending personalized messages to interested audience, 24/7. But choosing from a wide variety of email services can be challenging. This article will teach you how to find the best email marketing service for your business.


Automating your business is essential. It allows you to focus on running your company, instead of wasting time on the boring stuff.

But what if you don’t know where to start? Or how to do it? Or even what “automation” means?

Zapier changes all that. It’s an easy-to-use tool that allows you to connect your web apps for easier automation that will optimize your processes and keep your small business running smoothly. You can set up simple triggers (such as when someone submits a form), or create more complex automations (like when someone uploads a video). Whatever type of automation works best for your company, Zapier has got you covered—whether you’re looking for something simple or complex.


MailChimp is undeniably the most well-known email marketing platform. They have 15 million customers and tons of integrations, but they don’t offer the CRM feature. This tool is perfect for enterprise businesses who can build an integration with their CRM or for those not looking for CRM functionality.

With [tool name], you can easily view customer data in a single place. You can segment your subscribers into groups based on location, gender, interest and more. You can also create automated workflows based on actions such as purchases, abandoned carts or failed signups.

With this tool, you will be able to send personalized emails that improve your open rates and click-through rates. There are tons of features that make it easy to customize your campaigns according to your needs and goals. You can have up to 2000 subscribers with the “free forever” plan. So its great for low budget startups.


MailerLite is a software tool that helps you create, send, and manage all of your email marketing campaigns.

MailerLite’s drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to create beautiful emails that get results. It makes it simple to design a template from scratch or customize an existing one, so you can make sure your message looks great on any device.

MailerLite also lets you schedule and send emails at exactly the right time, so you don’t waste money sending messages to people who aren’t interested in what you have to say. You’ll get more engagement with MailerLite because your subscribers are getting messages when they’re ready for them. You can have up to 1000 subscribers on their “free forever” plan.

Clicksend SMS

With Clicksend SMS automation for small business, you can set up a system that allows your customers to text you questions and receive responses automatically.

This is a great feature for small businesses that want to offer their clients the option of receiving answers through text messages.

You can set up as many automated responses as you want, so it’s easy to make sure every question gets an answer.

The best part about this service is that it’s completely free!

Small Business Social Media Tools

Small businesses don’t have the same social media marketing budgets as the big guys. In fact, most are limited to a few hundred dollars in their monthly marketing budget. How can you use social media to engage an audience when you’re on a shoestring budget? The answer is your creativity! Here’s a look at some affordable social media tools that can help you achieve your goals


Social media can be a major time suck. Lucky for you, Buffer’s incredibly easy scheduling tool, content library and robust analytics make it easier to reach more people while saving you time.

Buffer is the easiest way to schedule social media posts in advance and analyze how they perform. You can use this simple scheduling tool to turn your social media posts into a set of tasks that automatically go out at the best times for your audience. They also give you suggestions on what days are best to tweet or post based on your past performance.

You can also use Buffer as a content library where you can store all of your favorite quotes, articles and images that you want to share—so when you’re ready to post, just drag them into our scheduling tool!

And with our new analytics dashboard, we’ve made it even easier for you to see how your posts are performing—and adapt accordingly!


Hootsuite is the best social media management tool out there.

With Hootsuite, you can manage all of your social media accounts from one place. You can post to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn from a single dashboard—and that’s just the beginning. The real magic happens when you start using the advanced analytics and reporting features to analyze your content performance and keep track of how your audience is responding to it.

The best part? Hootsuite has a “free forever” version that lets you monitor up to two social accounts at once, so there’s no reason not to give it a shot!


Bitly is the most popular link management available. Users can shorten, manage and measure shared links across the web giving greater insight into engagement. Best news? Bitly is free (unless you want branded links and an enterprise account).

Social media managers know that tracking links shared on social media can be a nightmare. Bitly makes it easy to manage, track and measure all of your links in one place.

With Bitly, you can create shortened URLs for any link you want to share online. When someone clicks on your shortened URL, they’ll be taken to the original source of your content. This means that you can use Bitly to track how many people click on each link so you can see how effective each piece of content is at driving traffic back to your website or blog!


DrumUp is a newer kid on the block, but it’s effective nonetheless—and it does everything you need out of a social media scheduling tool.

Not only can you curate content, schedule it, and suggest hashtags for your posts to expand reach and engagement, but DrumUp has a few features that really make it stand out in the crowd:

-It’s easy to use. Just drag-and-drop your post into the timeline for your campaign, choose whether you want it posted as soon as possible or later on in the day (or week), and click “Create.” That’s all there is to it!

-The app is free and doesn’t even require an account—just sign up with Facebook or Google if you want to save your campaigns or access them on mobile devices.

-DrumUp suggests hashtags based on the content of your post so that you don’t have to worry about coming up with them yourself. Just input your message (and maybe a few keywords), choose a campaign name, and let DrumUp do all of the work!

Design tools for small businesses.

Looking for the right design tools to kickstart your next idea? Small businesses face unique challenges when it comes to design — and even the basics can sometimes be out of reach. That’s why we’ve put together this guide explaining the best design tools for small businesses with little money and time.


Visual content gets much higher engagement and conversion rates than text only content. Canva helps you create beautiful images and other visual assets. If you’re not ready to create images all on your own yet, Canva is the perfect option for getting started.

In fact, Canva is so effective at helping you create visually appealing content that it has been used by brands like Red Bull, Facebook, and Apple.

The best part? It’s free! You can even use it as a web app or download their iOS app if you want to use them offline.

Just select what kind of image you want (like an infographic or social media post), choose from a wide variety of templates, and customize it however you want!

With just a few clicks and some simple design skills, Canva can take your visual content from mediocre to amazing.


You can’t have too many tools at your disposal when you’re creating content for social media and content marketing. Stencil is a great option for people who want to create high-quality images quickly and easily, even if they don’t have any design skills.

Stencil is similar to Canva, but with a few extra features that make it stand out. For example, you can upload your own fonts and use them in your designs—something that Canva doesn’t offer. You can also get started on an image from scratch by drawing a shape or using one of their templates. And the best part? They have almost a million images to choose from!

If you use Chrome, you can also install their extension so that you can create images while browsing the web!

Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud is the perfect tool for small businesses that want to make a big impact.

There’s a definite learning curve, but once you master Adobe Creative Cloud, the possibilities are endless. You can create professional and engaging images with ease—and pair them with any content you’re working on.

Don’t let the name fool you: this isn’t just for creatives. Creative Cloud gives small businesses the opportunity to share their story in a way that will capture the attention of their target audience and convert them into paying customers.

Project management tools for small businesses.

Project management is a critical part of any small business, and it can be incredibly difficult to get right.

But with the right tools, you don’t have to be an expert at project management to get it done—you just need the right tools.

Here are some of our favorites..


Slack is the place to be for businesses.

The platform helps teams organize projects by bringing communication into one place, sharing and commenting on files, and integrating with other apps to get more done in less time. Not to mention the Giphy feature is loads of fun during team chats. Oh, and it’s free for almost all businesses (unless you need an upgraded account).

But wait… there’s more! Slack has a ton of other incredible features that make it even better than it already is—like being able to add customized emojis to your messages, or search through all past messages in a specific channel without scrolling through page after page. It even lets you see which team members are online at any moment so you can easily reach out when needed.

We (like millions of other businesses) l-o-v-e Slack because it helps us be more productive and stay connected with our teams around the clock – no matter where we are in the world.


It’s so easy to get lost in the shuffle of a project. When you’re in the thick of it, it can be hard to keep track of all of your responsibilities and deadlines, let alone your project documents.

Evernote makes it simple to create notes and categorize task into project-specific notebooks. You can even scan in paper docs to make keeping track of project documents a breeze.


Trello is a popular choice for small businesses because it offers a free plan for small teams and their business accounts start at $10 USD/month.

Trello’s main interface functions like a whiteboard, making it easy to use for anyone who’s unfamiliar with project management software. The setup process is also seamless.

Trello has more than 8 million users worldwide and gets good reviews from small business owners because of its seamless setup and ease of use.


You’ve got a lot of stuff on your plate.

And Asana is here to help you make sense of it all.

Asana provides a holistic overview of personal or professional to-dos with its simple interface and powerful integrations. It’s a great option for teams and individuals alike. With Asana, you can unify your workflows and improve productivity with smart alerts and notifications that keep everyone on track—no matter where they are or what device they’re using.

Google Drive

If you’re just diving into project management, Google Drive is a simple way to share and collaborate on documents, see revision history, and let team members leave & resolve comments. Drive offers a plethora of business tools including documents, spreadsheets, and presentation slides. Plus, it’s free.

The best part about Google Drive is that it’s easy to use. You can create new files in any format or upload existing ones straight from your computer or mobile device. You can also set permissions so that only certain people can view or edit your documents and folders.

Google Drive comes with a robust search engine that lets you find exactly what you need in seconds—whether it be an old presentation slide or an important document that was lost in the shuffle. It also offers real-time collaboration capabilities so everyone can see who’s working on what at any given time. The tool is even compatible with other cloud storage platforms like Dropbox and Box!

Marketing can be a relatively expensive proposition, but if you get the right tools at a good price (and in some cases free), marketing your business becomes more manageable and you save money. Hopefully this guide has shed some light on what to look for when purchasing marketing tools and how to get the best deal. The possibilities are limitless with great marketing tools, and now it’s up to you to make them work for you. If you found this article helpful please follow us on our social media platforms, we would love to have you onboard!

Dedicated To Your Marketing Success


wollongong digital marketing

Marketing FAQs

Marketing FAQs

When it comes to digital marketing, there are four main types:

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social Media Optimization (SMO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Pay-Per Click Advertising (PPC)

Social media marketing (SMM) is a way for businesses to connect with their customers, potential customers, and partners through social media platforms. SMM is a type of digital marketing that uses social media platforms to market a product or service.

The purpose of SMM is to increase brand awareness and generate leads by encouraging people who visit your social media pages to engage with your brand by liking your posts, commenting on them, or sharing them with their friends on Facebook or Twitter.

SMM can help you create buzz about your products, services, and events before they happen so that people who may be interested in what you have to offer know about it ahead of time. It also allows you to respond quickly to customer feedback or concerns so that you can address problems as soon as possible and build trust among current and potential customers.

Social media optimisation (SMO) is a strategy for increasing the visibility of a website or brand on social media. It involves creating content that is shared across different platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

A good SMO campaign will increase the number of followers of your pages, which can then drive traffic to your website and boost conversions.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of increasing your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) through organic search engine results. It’s a marketing technique that helps you to improve your website’s visibility on search engines, like Google.

There are many factors that contribute to SEO, including your content and how well it’s written, the keywords used in your content, and the number of backlinks pointing to your site from other sites.

In order to rank well in search engines, you need to understand how they work and what they’re looking for when they crawl the web. If you want to get ranked high on Google or Bing, then you’ll need quality content that people want to read – but also keywords related to your niche which people are searching for online right now!

Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) is a type of paid advertising on the internet that costs you only when someone clicks on your ad.

It’s an incredibly effective way to get your ads in front of people who are actively looking for what you’re offering.

PPC ads can be placed on search engines, social media platforms, and other websites where users are actively searching for something related to what you’re selling.

You can set a budget for your PPC campaign so that you don’t spend more than you want to.

The best part? If someone clicks on your ad but isn’t interested in what you’re selling, they won’t cost you anything!

A paid strategy is a strategy that involves the use of paid advertising, rather than organic traffic (which is unpaid), to drive traffic to your site.

CPA, or Cost Per Action, is a type of marketing that compensates a business for the direct results of running an ad. For example, say you own a pizza parlor, and you run an ad on Google telling people to come and buy your pizzas online. If one customer buys a pizza online as the result of seeing your ad, then you get paid for that sale. The specific dollar amount you can receive depends on what kind of action the ad was intended to drive.

This type of marketing is great for businesses who are just starting out and don’t have much money to spend, because it only costs money when you have sales. And who doesn’t want that?

CPA marketing is a type of pay-per-action advertising, where an advertiser pays only when a person takes a particular action. The advertiser doesn’t pay unless that action is performed, so CPA marketing is sometimes used to refer to cost per acquisition or cost per lead.

This type of conversion-based marketing has been around for more than a decade, and it’s gaining popularity in online advertising as older methods of online marketing like pay-per-click are becoming less effective.

Cost-Per Click (CPC) advertising is a method of advertising that allows advertisers to pay for each time a user clicks on their ad. This type of advertising is very common in the internet industry, and it is used by many companies who want to promote their products and services.

CPC is one of the most popular forms of online advertising. It has been around for many years and has proven to be very effective at helping companies advertise their products. In fact, more than 80% of all online searches are done using this method.

The main advantage of CPC advertising is that you only pay when someone clicks on your ad and goes through to your website or landing page. This means that you only pay if there’s an interest in what you have to offer!

Do you want to grow your business? If the answer is “yes,” then you need to advertise.

Advertising is the best way to get your business in front of the right people at the right time. When you advertise, you are able to control how and when potential customers reach out to you and make sure that your message is getting across to them.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to scale your business, then advertising is it. You can set up an ad in as little as a day and start getting results immediately—all without having to spend a ton of money or get bogged down in complicated strategies. It’s no secret that advertising has been around for centuries—it’s tried-and-true!

In fact, most successful businesses today have invested heavily in advertising. It’s not just about getting the word out there; advertising can help build awareness for your brand, reach new customers, and keep existing customers coming back again and again.

How much should a business spend on advertising?

According to the American Association of Advertising Agencies, businesses spend between 0.5% and 2.5% of their revenue on ads. This number represents a good starting point for smaller companies, and a reasonable upper limit for mid-sized companies with more established client bases.

A company’s industry can also have an effect on their advertising budget. For example, many businesses in the retail sector spend at least 1% of their revenue on advertising, whereas businesses in the services sector typically spend less than 1%.

It is a common misconception that you should be focusing on one or two metrics when setting up your PPC account. However, a more effective approach is to look at all of the metrics and adjust your strategy based on what you find.

Typical metrics that people focus on are:

#1: Cost per conversion: This is how much it costs for every single person who buys from you.

#2: Cost per click: This is how much it costs for every single person who clicks on your ads.

#3: Conversion rate: How many people who click on your ad end up making a purchase at your site.

#4: Click through rate (CTR): This is how many times a person clicks on your ad after seeing it.

These metrics are important, but they’re not enough to tell the whole story. You should also look at things like:

#5: Average order value (AOV): Average amount spent by someone who buys from you, including shipping costs and taxes.

#6: Sales velocity Total number of sales divided by the total number of impressions your ads have received in the past month.

#7: Customer retention rate Number of returning customers divided by the number of new customers in the past month

Testing a PPC campaign is a multi-step process that involves both qualitative and quantitative analysis.

First, you need to analyze the effectiveness of your ad copy. To do this, you need to track how many people click on your ads. You can do this by using Google Analytics to see how many visitors come from each ad.

Next, you should examine the quality of those clicks. You want to make sure that the people who click on your ads are qualified leads—the kind of people who are likely to buy what you’re selling in your ads. This will help you determine if you need to tweak your ad copy or target audience.

Finally, once you’ve determined that your ad copy is effective and that it’s bringing in qualified leads, it’s time to analyze the effectiveness of your landing pages. You can do this by measuring how many people actually convert on those landing pages (i.e., purchase something).

Google Ads charges you for your ads on a pay-per-click (PPC) basis. That means that you don’t pay anything until someone clicks on your ad—and then you’ll be charged the amount determined by what you’re bidding.

So, if you bid $5 on a certain keyword, and someone searches for that keyword and clicks on your ad, you’ll be charged $5. If no one clicks on your ad, then it won’t cost you anything at all—so there’s really no risk in trying.

You can also set a daily budget for how much you want to spend each day on Google Ads. This means that if anyone ever clicks your ad, the total of all those clicks will never exceed your daily limit. So, if your daily budget is $10, and someone clicks on your ad 15 times in one day, then you’ll only be charged $10—not the total amount of all 15 clicks.

This approach allows you to maintain control over how much money is being spent each day on Google Ads for your business.

The difference between conversions and all conversions in Google Ads is that the former refers to the specific number of conversions you have, while the latter refers to the total number of conversions that have occurred when using your ad.

In other words, if you run an ad for a week and get 10 conversions, but one of those people also buys a product from your website on a different day, then you’ll see “10” in your conversion column, but if you look at all conversions (and you click on the “All Conversions” tab), you’ll see that there were 11 total conversions. This is because Google takes into account all of these extra purchases when determining all conversions.

If your Google Ad account is suspended, it means that Google has found that you have violated one of their policies.

Google can suspend an entire account or just certain parts of it. They will tell you which part or parts are suspended. You can find out more about this in the suspension notice they send to your registered email address. You can also find it in your account by following these steps:

1. Sign in to your Google Ads account at

2. In the page menu on the left, click Settings.

3. Click Account access under “Account settings.”

4. Click Suspensions to see the details of the suspension, including a link to the policy that was violated and how long the suspension will last.

5. Review the information about why your account was suspended, then click Request review if you think your suspension was a mistake and would like to appeal it (this option will only be available if you haven’t requested a review yet).

6. If you think that your ad was incorrectly disapproved for violating our advertising policies, click Appeal an approval decision in the same section.

If you want to create content that attracts traffic and leads to conversion, your main focus should be on the results of your service or product.

Customers don’t care about the features that make up your service or product—they care about what it will do for them. So don’t waste time talking about how great your service or product is, dive right in to what it can do for your customers.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked that question.

It’s a good design, and it’s probably got a lot of great features, but if your visitors are leaving after they see your landing page, you’re not going to get anywhere. The best way to fix this problem is to make sure that your landing page is clear and concise. If you have too much information on the page or too many images, then you’ll scare people off before they even get a chance to see what your site has to offer.

The first thing you should do is look at what other companies in your industry are doing in terms of their landing pages. This will give you an idea of what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to getting people interested in visiting your site. Then take some time tweaking your own landing page so that it matches up with these examples as closely as possible.

The most important thing to do it conduct a competitor analysis and see where there is a gap you could fill in the market with your product.

You can make your product different from your competitors’ in a variety of ways, including:

– Price: Make yours cheaper or more expensive than theirs.

– Quality: Make yours better or worse than theirs.

– Distribution: Make yours available to a wider audience than theirs is, or vice versa.

– Positioning: where you want your product to be positioned in the market, ie whether it be a high end product or be exclusive..

Digital marketing tools are a boon for the marketers in this digital age. With such tools, the marketers can automate their routine tasks and give more time to their creative side. Digital marketing tools have made it possible to remove all the repetitive tasks from the shoulders of the marketers so that they can focus on creating strategies and implementing them in a better way.

Digital marketing tools help in saving a lot of time of the marketers as they help them to do analytics and create reports about their marketing campaigns. They also help them in doing SEO, social media management, content creation, and other digital marketing activities easily.

With these tools, the marketers don’t need to worry about what is happening with their campaign as these tools will keep them updated about every single thing that takes place within their campaign.

To optimize your videos, you need to leverage your SEO efforts in tandem with your video marketing strategy. Here are some things you can do:

* Make sure your videos are optimized for the keywords you want to rank for by including keywords in the title, description, and tags.

* Include a call-to-action on the first frame of your video and in the description so that people know how to interact with the content.

* Embed links to relevant pages on your website on all sites where the video is posted, as well as include links in the video’s description. This will help drive traffic back to your site.

* Your videos should be optimized for mobile devices so that they’re easily accessible from anywhere at any time, even if someone doesn’t have an internet connection (like when they’re on an airplane). Make sure they’re also easy to share with others via email or social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

* Create playlists of related video content so viewers can watch more than one piece of content at a time without having to navigate away from their current location.

There are many differences between web content designed to rank and content that is written to be read. The most important difference is that the content designed to rank focuses on keywords and keyword density, while the content designed for reading is written for a reader’s interests and comprehension.

Keyword density refers to how many times a keyword or phrase appears on a page in relation to how many total words are on that page. This is an important metric because search engines like Google use it as an indication of how relevant a website is related to a search term. So, if you want your website to rank high in Google results, you’d want it to have high keyword density—but if you just want people who come across your site to be able to understand what you’re saying, then having high keyword density might not be the best way to go about it.

In order to write content that’s meant for reading rather than ranking, here are some tips:

1) Use long sentences with few commas

2) Use short paragraphs instead of one big paragraph (you can also use bullet points or numbered lists instead)

3) Don’t use complex words.

Digital ads can be a powerful way to reach your customers and potential customers. The key is knowing what to include and what not to include.

Here are some tips:

-Be concise. Your potential customer is busy and they don’t want to spend too much time reading a bunch of text. Make sure the copy is brief, but also covers all the important points you want to make.

-Use images that are relevant, eye-catching, and convey a message about your product or service. You want people looking at your ad on social media or in an email newsletter to know immediately what it’s about without having to scroll down or read a lot of text first.

-Make sure it’s clear how people can get in touch with you if they have questions about what you’re offering (or if they just want more information).

It is important for companies to understand how the industry cloud can be used to capture value. The cloud allows organizations to create a business model that is more flexible, agile, and innovative; however, this requires a different approach to IT management.

The first step in capturing value from the industry cloud is to realize that you have access to a wide range of resources. In addition to storing your data in the cloud, you have access to other applications that can be used for business purposes. This will allow you to take advantage of many different types of technologies without having to buy them or maintain them on-site.

The second step is recognizing the benefits of using software-as-a-service (SaaS). This type of service allows organizations to focus on their core business rather than on managing technology infrastructure or maintaining software licenses. By using SaaS products, companies have more control over their data because they can access it whenever they want without needing any additional hardware or software installations at all!

Pricing structure is often difficult to maintain because of the need to constantly change it as the business and its products change.

If a company chooses to use a fixed pricing structure, they may find that they are stuck with an outdated price point that could be costing them money or not generating enough revenue.

For example, if a coffee shop has only one type of coffee available, it might be able to charge $5 per cup because there’s no competition and customers have no other options. However, if another coffee shop opens up down the street with cheaper prices and better service, then customers will start going there instead—even if their coffee isn’t as good. This is why many companies choose to use variable pricing structures rather than fixed ones in order to remain competitive in an ever-changing marketplace.

In the past, Google and Facebook ads were the only way to go. But now that we have more options, we can make better decisions about where to spend our money.

There are a lot of ad networks out there that offer alternatives to Google and Facebook ads. Some of these include Taboola and Outbrain, which are both great options for getting your content seen by more people.

However, there are also other networks that may be more appropriate for your business. For example, if you’re selling something that relates to travel or financial services like loans or mortgages then you might want to consider using LinkedIn Ads or Bing Ads instead of Google AdWords or Facebook Ads because they tend to work better with those topics than Google AdWords or Facebook Ads do (although there’s still room for improvement here).

All in all though, if you want people to see your content then using an ad network like Taboola or Outbrain will help get it seen by more people than just using either one separately would do on its own!

SEO and digital marketing are two of the most popular terms in the business world today. But what do they mean? And which one is better?

SEO stands for search engine optimization—a strategy used to make your website rank higher in search results. Digital marketing, on the other hand, refers to the process of promoting your business online. It includes things like search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing.

Each of these processes has its own goals: SEO aims to make your site more visible in search engines, while digital marketing aims to drive traffic to your site and convert those visitors into customers.

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Most Asked SEO Questions in 2023

Most Asked SEO Questions in 2023

What is SEO marketing?

SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is the practice of increasing the amount of visitors to a website by ranking higher in search results.

Search engines like Google and Bing use robots to crawl the internet, looking at websites to determine how they should rank them in their search results. SEO marketing is the process of improving a website’s content and code so that it ranks as high as possible in these searches.

When beginning an SEO campaign, marketers need to consider how people search for information online and what search terms they might use when looking for your products or services. More and more consumers are using longer phrases called long-tail keywords when searching online. For example, someone trying to buy a laptop might type “best laptops under $500” into Google rather than simply “laptop.”

Marketers then optimize the website’s content and technical components, such as image tags and headers, so that these keywords appear throughout different parts of the site. This encourages Google’s algorithms to rank that website higher in search results for those keywords. The process is ongoing because what works today may not work tomorrow—search engines are constantly updating their algorithms to provide users with better results.

What is local SEO? What are the benefits of local SEO?

The term local SEO generally refers to the optimization of online marketing campaigns for small, local businesses. It’s a strategy for achieving higher organic rankings for relevant search terms that comes with numerous benefits. First, more traffic can result in more revenue as a result of superior organic ranking within search engine results. On top of that, local SEO allows businesses to target nearby audiences and offers increased trust among potential customers.

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How much should I pay for SEO in 2023?

Your SEO cost will depend on the level of support you need and the size of your business. If you’re just starting out, you might only need one or two people to help you with SEO. On the other hand, if you’re an established company with lots of customers, it might make sense to hire an entire team.

The average SEO cost is $1200 per month. The cheapest SEO packages we offer start at $650/month and go up to $6000/month for larger companies with more complex needs, so there’s something for every budget! For example, if you’re looking for local search engine optimization services our agency charges $650-$2000 per month depending on how competitive your market is from both an organic and paid perspective.

Do you think SEO is still a valid way to get traffic to your website?

SEO, or search engine optimization strategies, are tactics designed to improve your website ranking and visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). When executed correctly, SEO can be a very effective way to increase organic traffic without having to pay for ads.

SEO is a proven and cost effective marketing strategy, which enables companies to build quality and relevant links to their website. Over time these links can help non-brand aware consumers find your brand, driving more traffic to your site. There are many methods of SEO in order to effectively grow links, such as on-site optimization, quality link building, or social media optimization and promotion.

How many headings in the article should I put the keywords?

Well, it depends on the article. For example, if you are writing a short article about how to build a bookshelf level and put in place, there is no need to put too much headings. The reader will be able to understand what you are talking about quickly. However, if you are writing a longer article on how to build an office building or a hospital, we suggest that you use more than 2 or 3 headings. Why? Each section within the main article should be relatively independent from other sections, so that each heading can incorporate the keywords well.

How can I create backlinks for free in 2023?

One of the best ways to create backlinks for free in 2023 is by participating in online communities and forums. Share your knowledge, help others, and you’ll be rewarded with free backlinks.

But remember: creating backlinks for free on a forum can be a time-consuming process if done incorrectly.

What is a good SEO score out of 100? How can I check my website SEO status?

The first thing to know is that there is no such thing as a universal “perfect” score out of 100 when it comes to SEO. In fact, there may be no such thing as a perfect score at all. What matters most is increasing the number of people who visit your site and converting them into paying customers. The higher you can get that number without sacrificing your other goals, the better you will be able to rank in search results.

There are a few different ways to check your website SEO status:

1. Google Search Console

2. Bing Webmaster Tools

3. Moz Free SEO Checkers

4. SEMrush Site Audit Tool

Can deleting posts hurt SEO?

Yes, deleting posts can hurt SEO.

SEO is short for search engine optimization. It’s the art and science of making your website more visible to search engines by targeting keywords, producing quality content, and building backlinks (linking your site to other sites with similar content). When you delete a post or page, it becomes inaccessible to the search engine crawlers that visit your site. When they can’t access the post or page because it’s gone, they alert Google that there’s a broken link on your site. That negatively impacts your SEO score.

The best way to avoid this is to make sure that any posts or pages you want deleted are redirected to another page on your website through a 301 permanent redirect. You can manage redirects in the WordPress admin panel by going to Tools > Redirection and adding the URL of the post or page you’re removing from your site along with the new URL you want it redirected to.

Is it possible to rank #1 for competing keywords in a week?

What if I told you that you could rank #1 for your desired keyword in a week? Is it possible?

While it’s not impossible to rank #1 on Google in a week, we should first discuss what this means. Google is the most widely used search engine in the world, accounting for about 90% of all searches. For this reason, “rank #1 on Google” can be taken to mean “appear at the top of the first page of results when someone searches for your keyword.”

This is difficult because Google changes its algorithms frequently, and competitors are always updating their content and staying competitive. In fact, according to Backlinko’s study of 1 million Google search results, it takes an average of 3.8 months for a given page to reach the top 10 search result positions for a specific keyword.

While there are ways to speed up this process—such as through high-quality content and well-placed backlinks—nothing can guarantee ranking #1 on a search engine in just one week.

A lot of factors go into where you land on search engines (including things such as your geographic location, what device you’re using, whether or not you’re logged into your account, etc.), so it would be nearly impossible to get ranked in such a short space of time.

How can I find the right keyword?

The most important part of finding the right keyword is to understand what it is you want to rank for. Do you want to come up in the search results when someone searches for “leather jackets”? Or do you want to rank for “leather jackets in Denver”?

Think about where you want to rank, and try searching for it yourself. What results show up? If it’s a local business, does Google Maps dominate the results? How does your competition appear? What are they doing, and how can you do better?

Once you have a sense of what your goal is, it’s time to start doing research. Use all of the available tools: Google’s Keyword Planner in Google Ads, Moz’s Keyword Explorer, Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer, Ubersuggest or Rank Tracker—the list goes on! The more information you can collect about keywords, particularly their search volume and difficulty, the better prepared you’ll be to select a keyword that perfect keyword!

When should long-tail or short-tail keywords be used to optimize SEO?

Long-tail and short-tail keywords are used to optimize SEO in different ways.

Long-tail keywords are used for more specific searches. For example: “blue down coat with hood” is a long-tail keyword phrase that indicates the searcher is looking for a very specific type of product. These can be particularly useful when you don’t have a high search volume for your product, or if you have a lot of competition. It’s easier to rank highly on a long-tail keyword search because there won’t be as much competition, and by targeting your audience more directly, you’re likely to receive higher quality site traffic.

Short-tail keywords are used for general searches. For example: “coat” is a short-tail keyword that could refer to any kind of coat, so it’s much less likely to convert into sales than the long-tail keyword phrase “blue down coat with hood.” However, short-tail keywords can bring in a lot of traffic and can be useful if you have products that are relevant to lots of different kinds of searches.

How do you select keywords and rank high in a search engine?

Developing a list of keywords that search engines can use to find your site is an essential part of your online marketing strategy. But what exactly are keywords? They’re the terms that customers type into search engines when they look for goods and services. When you research, select, and use keywords properly, you’ll not only increase your visibility on the web, but you’ll also drive more targeted traffic to your site—people who may just turn into new customers.

Here’s how to select keywords that will help you rank high in search results:

-Step 1: Research and analyze. Research other sites in your industry to see what keywords they’ve chosen. Also evaluate how relevant those keywords are to your business. If you sell snowboards, but other sites in your industry use the keyword “skis,” you won’t get much traffic if you choose this term yourself.

-Step 2: Use tools like Google’s AdWords Keyword Planner tool to choose terms that will be most effective at getting you ranked high in search results. You can also try WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool.

-Step 3: Create a plan for implementing them in various areas of your site, including URLs, page titles, headings, content, meta descriptions, and images

In order to rank well in a search engine, you need to know how to select the right keywords. You should select keywords based on their popularity and relevancy; ideally, they should be popular with consumers and relevant to your company’s products or services.

A good keyword is one that potential customers are actively searching for in order to find products like yours.

You can also improve your ranking by making sure that all of your website’s pages have content using relevant, high-performing keywords. You want every page of your site to be linked with a relevant keyword so that search engines can understand what each page is about and rank it accordingly.


Why are SERP features important?

SERP’s is an acronym of Search Engine Results Page. SERP features control what parts of your website appear in the search result, which reduces user clicks to other sites or competitors. They also improve the user experience by giving them a quick snapshot of an answer, rather than forcing them to click through multiple links to find what they want.

SERP features are a vital part of search engine optimization. The most common SERP features currently in use include featured snippets, image packs, local packs, and ads. Each type of SERP feature has its own strengths and weaknesses for the user, and each one is treated differently by the search engine.

They are important because they can add value to your site. The more SERP features you have on your site, the more information Google has about your website.

Your site has different types of content that Google can use for each SERP feature. It could be a blog post or an article that your company wrote, or it could be something from another website that you think can help with your business.

How do you target SERP features?

If you want to improve your visibility in search engines, you need to make sure that you’re targeting SERP features.

SERP features include:

Featured snippets (a box at the very top of the SERP that contains information related to the user’s search)

Knowledge panels (informational panels on the right side of the page)

Maps (maps and listings of local businesses)

Top stories (news articles listed at the top of the page)

Image packs (images from around the internet related to your query)

Video packs (videos from around the internet related to your query)

How do you get these featured spots?

You can target SERP features by using schema markup on your website. Schema is a language that helps Google and other search engines understand what parts of your web page are important.

This type of mark-up can help you to appear in SERP features such as Knowledge Graphs, carousels, top stories, and more.

How do I find low competition keywords for my new channel? 

FREE YouTube Keyword Research tool 

When you’re launching a new channel, you have to make sure you know what keywords to target. If you just throw up your content and start posting, you risk getting buried in the sea of YouTube competitors. So, how do you find the low competition keywords that will help your videos stand out?

Now, there are two ways to approach this:

The first is to look for what’s already popular on YouTube. Use TubeBuddy’s keyword finder tool to search for any top-performing videos. Look at their titles and descriptions and see what they’re doing differently from other videos in the same niche.

The other option is to do a little digging—literally into Google Keyword Planner—and find out what’s already popular with people searching for content on YouTube. You can also try looking at your own website analytics to see what people are searching for on your site that sends them over to YouTube. Once you’ve found some keywords, then it’s time to optimize!

How do you optimize your content for SEO and social media marketing?

Optimizing content for Google, and social media has become a key component of any social media marketing strategy. In order to effectively utilize the three platforms and bring in more traffic, businesses need to understand how they work and how to plug their content into them.

Optimize your content for Google

Google is the largest search engine in the world, so it’s important that your website is indexed by Google’s search algorithm. Content optimized for Google can be found using relevant keywords or phrases. Include your keywords in your title tag and meta description to help Google index your page for those terms. You should also optimize your webpage for mobile devices, as most Google searches are performed on mobile devices.

Follow these tips to optimize your content for Google:

* Make sure you have original and unique content on your website

* Make sure that you have a sitemap on your site that tells Google where all of the pages on your site are located (you can make one with our sitemap generator!)

* Make sure that you include relevant keywords in the page’s Title Tag and Meta Description tag

* Create quality backlinks to increase external traffic to specific pages on your website

Optimize your content for social media

Social media marketing is a rapidly-changing industry, and staying on top of the latest trends and tools can be challenging for most companies. Here are some tips for keeping your social media marketing up to date:

1. When you’re deciding on the type of content to post, keep in mind that certain types of posts tend to perform better than others. For instance, videos, photos with text overlay, and live streaming tend to get the best results.

2. When you’re deciding which social media platform to post on, remember that each platform has a different audience and purpose. For example, Facebook tends to have more family and friend connections, while Twitter tends to have more professional connections.

3. When you’re choosing when to post, remember that you do not want to post too frequently or at odd hours; it’s best to post during peak hours between 10am and 5pm.

4. When you’re determining how often you should be posting new content, keep in mind that it’s best to post about once a week for each social media page that you maintain; this will allow your audience to see new content several times a month rather than having them view the same content multiple times in one day.

Is it worth putting time into SEO for Bing if you’re already optimizing SEO for Google?

If you’ve optimized your SEO for Google, do you need to put time into Bing?

Some businesses are worried that they don’t have the resources to optimize their SEO for Bing. After all, Bing is much smaller than Google. That’s true: Bing doesn’t get as many search queries as Google does. However, if you’re already optimizing your SEO for Google, it’s worth putting some time into Bing optimization as well.

Here’s why:

The purpose of SEO is to help people find your product or service. If someone searches for a keyword on Google and your site isn’t showing up in the top 10 results, they’re not going to be able to find you. But if they search that same keyword on Bing and your site ranks #1-3, they’ll see your site and be able to click through to get the product or service they want. Even though less people search on Bing than on Google, it’s still important to make sure your site shows up in top results for both search engines!

Bing for Business is a free service that allows you to manage your business listing data on and sync it with your Google My Business account.

How do I start a Bing for Business account and sync it with Google My Business?

If you have already registered your business on Google My Business, you can connect your accounts and start managing your listings on immediately.

The first step is to sign up for a Bing for Business account here .

Once you have signed up, please follow the steps below to connect your Bing for Business account with Google My Business:

– Log in to the Bing for Business portal and go to the Manage Organization page.

– Click on “Add an organization” and enter the email address associated with your Google My Business profile.

– Follow the instructions in the email sent to you by Microsoft.

– When asked, enter your password associated with Google My Business.

After entering your password, you will see a message that says “Congratulations! Your Bing for Business organization was successfully connected to this Google My Business account.”

How important is keyword research when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO)?

Keyword research is a very important component of search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines aim to deliver relevant results to their users, and keywords are often the best way for them to understand what a page is about.

When you’re performing keyword research, you’re looking for high-volume words that people might use when they’re searching for your product or service. These high-volume keywords are often very competitive and difficult to rank on the first page of Google for. However, there’s an entire spectrum of words from “very specific” to “very general” that your customers might use when searching for your product. By focusing on lower-volume but more specific keywords, you can avoid the fierce competition at the top of the SERPs (search engine result pages) and still get traffic from your target audience.

When you do keyword research, you’re looking for words and phrases that tons of people type into search engines like Google, but that don’t have a ton of competition. You want to find those long-tail keywords—the phrases that are specific enough that they are only searched for occasionally, but which have a high conversion rate because when someone does search for them, they’re ready to buy something. A long-tail keyword is a phrase that contains between three and five words, like “how to find a job after college.” It’s more specific than shorter keywords like “jobs” or “college.” Long-tail keywords are better because they’ll bring in more targeted traffic that’s likely to convert into sales or

As a result, long-tailed keywords help sites appear more frequently in searches without driving up their rates, making them an excellent choice for small businesses on a budget who want to maximize their visibility within their industry without going bankrupt trying to do so.

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Do upper case or lower letters as keywords affect search engine optimization?

There is no difference in how search engines, like Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo, regard upper- or lowercase letters when indexing and ranking results.

Search engines use “normalization” to convert all terms into lowercase when they index the page. This means that it doesn’t matter what case you use in the URL or title tag—it’s all converted to lowercase.

Therefore, there is no reason to worry about how you capitalize your keywords in web pages and links—they won’t affect your search engine optimization (SEO).

However, if you want to be consistent in your own website’s URLs, it’s a good idea to pick one format and stick with it for all of them.

How does a snippet work?

A snippet is a short piece of text, usually between 1 and 4 sentences long, that can be used for many different purposes. Many companies use them to increase their SEO (search engine optimization). They are aware that Google gives higher rankings to websites that have a lot of content, and snippets help them create more content without having to write an entire article or blog post.

Snippets can help with a variety of purposes! For example, they can be used as a store description on Etsy or the ‘About Us’ section of your webpage, or as an email introduction when you’re reaching out to potential clients.

There you have it, not an exhaustive list but they are the most asked about SEO questions we get around here..

If you’re looking for more answers regarding SEO, we are only too happy to help. We have comprehensive SEO plans for any requirement you may have.

Or, if you just want some free advice, check out our SOPs (standard operating procedures).

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Digital Marketing FAQs

Digital Marketing FAQs

What are some creative ways to use Twitter for marketing?

Twitter is a great tool for marketing because you can use it to reach people who you know are interested in what you’re offering.

Before you start tweeting, you need to know your audience. You can do this by looking at what hashtags and keywords your target market has used in the past. Then, make sure that you’re using those same hashtags and keywords in your tweets. You should also have a consistent tone throughout all of your tweets.

One creative way to use Twitter for marketing is to create a challenge, like using a hashtag or posting a picture of yourself while doing something specific. This will get people talking about your brand and engaging with it!

Another way is to use Twitter as an opportunity for customer service: if someone has a question about your product or business, tweet them back quickly with an answer!

How can someone financially earn from online without a website?

There are many ways to earn money online without having your own website. Here are a few of the most common ways people can get started:

1) Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is a great way to earn income from home or on the go. Many websites, such as Upwork and Fiverr, will allow you to set up a profile and find clients who need content written for their blogs or websites. Keep in mind that this may take some time to get started and build your clientele.

2) Social Media Influencer

If you have an active social media presence, you can make money by promoting products on your page. Companies will pay you to post about their products because they know it’ll get them in front of a large audience.

3) Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another way to make money by promoting products online. With affiliate marketing, you typically partner with a company and promote their products on your blog or website. When someone clicks on an affiliate link and makes a purchase, you receive a commission for helping bring in the sale.

What is the most profitable piece of digital content?

After aggregating the data from all of our campaigns, we found that our most profitable digital content was a series of articles about stress and how to reduce it. The articles focused on lifestyle changes and easy DIY projects, as well as providing a list of resources for readers to use in order to learn about stress reduction techniques that might work for them.

What are some effective strategies for boosting my ad campaigns?

It can be hard to know where to start when you’re trying to boost your ad campaigns. Here are a few things that have worked well for us:

1. Check your landing page. Make sure it’s converting visitors into leads and sales at the rate you’re expecting. If it’s not, fix it! You might have a broken link or something else that needs to be fixed on the page.

2. Expand your reach. If people aren’t clicking on your ads, try putting them in front of a bigger audience! See if that helps you get more clicks and make more money.

3. Try different keywords, or an alternate copy for your ad. Sometimes you just need to adjust your approach before you see results you’re happy with!

What is the difference between digital marketing and digital strategy?

The difference between digital marketing and digital strategy is the difference between a strategy and a marketing plan. While both deal with the same idea of how to use digital technology in business, they’re designed to serve two different purposes.

A digital strategy is meant to be an overarching document that lays out the ways in which your business will incorporate digital technology into its operations, and how it will adapt to changing market conditions. Think of it as a strategic plan for your business’ overall use of digital technology. Digital strategies typically include actionable steps for implementation and are used as guidelines for future planning.

Digital marketing is more specific, and is focused on implementing techniques for reaching out to customers through various online channels. Think of it as an operational plan for using these techniques. It includes goals, objectives, and metrics you’ll use to measure success—all things you’d also find in a digital strategy. But unlike a digital strategy, a digital marketing plan doesn’t typically talk about the overarching goals of your business, or ways in which your business will adapt to change—those are considered strategic points that should be included in the strategy itself, while a marketing plan focuses on specific tactics that can be implemented today.

What is increasing brand awareness?

Increasing brand awareness is a key component of a successful marketing plan. When you want to increase brand awareness, you are following the same steps as you would in developing any other strategy. In fact, developing strategies for increasing your brand awareness can be based on the same principles you use when creating any other marketing plan.

In order to increase your brand awareness, you need to first identify your target audience. What specific type of person are you trying to reach? It’s important that you know who your audience is, because that information will help you determine the type of campaign you want to run and how best to get those people’s attention.

Regardless of what type of brand awareness campaign you are running (targeted or untargeted), it is essential that you have a plan in place for how you will measure success. If your goal is to increase brand awareness, then keep track of how many people know about your company, product, or service. You may also want to keep track of how many leads or sales come from your campaign. The more leads or sales resulting from a campaign, the better job it is doing at increasing brand awareness.

What is market share?

Market share is something that’s very important for any company. It can tell you how successful your product is in the market and what percentage of the market your product has, among other things. Market share can be calculated by taking the total number of units sold and dividing it by the total number of units available.

If a company has a 30% market share in toy cars, they have sold 30 out of every 100 toy cars available. If they sell all 100, they have 100% market share.

How do you decide which marketing channels to use for your target audience?

We consider several factors when deciding which marketing channels to use for our target audience, such as the channel’s effectiveness, reach, and cost.

We find that email has the highest conversion rate of our available marketing channels. However, it is also the most costly.

Facebook ads have a low cost per click, but because of their widespread reach, we can choose to target only those individuals that are already interested in our products or services.

We also choose to use Google AdWords for some of our campaigns, selecting keywords that have a high click-through rate and low cost per click. This allows us to reach both existing customers and potential new customers who are already searching for our products and services online.

What is an aggressive marketing campaign?

An aggressive marketing campaign is one that generates buzz for a product or service, in order to increase sales. When a company launches a new product, it can be very difficult to generate interest in the item. An aggressive marketing campaign helps create a level of excitement around the product and build up anticipation for its release. This strategy is intended to increase sales and awareness of the item well before it releases.

The goal of an aggressive marketing campaign is to make consumers want something that they may not need or want. By creating a sense of urgency and importance around the product, companies are able to persuade people who may not have been interested in purchasing it in the past to purchase it now. An aggressive marketing campaign is similar to a publicity stunt or advertising scheme that promotes a product through controversy or shock value.

To be effective, an aggressive marketing campaign requires a high level of creativity and innovation. It must also take into account the potential impact on consumer attitudes towards the new product. When done right, an aggressive marketing campaign will generate hype and interest that builds up over time, so that when the product is released, people are eager to buy it.

How is digital marketing is effective for a business?

Digital marketing is the use of online tools to promote a product or service. This includes things like search engine optimization, social media, and email marketing. It has become increasingly popular among businesses because it has many benefits over traditional marketing methods such as print ads and television commercials.

There are many advantages of digital marketing, including:

-Digital marketing is more cost-effective than other types of marketing

-You can target specific audiences with digital marketing

-Digital marketing is more flexible than other forms of marketing

What is meant by the digital landscape and how is it useful for marketing?

In 2022, more than 85% of all digital purchases will be made on mobile devices. That’s a huge jump from just three years ago, when a mere 60% of digital purchases were made on mobile, and shows the rapid acceleration of mobile technology in today’s connected world.

The trend is clear, and it’s changing how we all interact with one another, how businesses are run, and how people conduct themselves in their daily lives.The “digital landscape” refers to the way that we use the Internet and mobile technology to connect with each other and conduct various business transactions. The phrase “digital landscape” is analogous to saying “physical landscape,” which refers to geographical features like hills, valleys, rivers, and lakes. Just as physical landscapes change over time due to weathering and erosion as well as volcanic eruptions or earthquakes, so does the digital landscape change due to new technologies such as drones, self-driving cars, and social media. These changes are sometimes sudden (think about the disruption caused by Twitter), but other times they can be more gradual (the increasing popularity of apps that help users find good restaurants in their area).
We are living in a time of constant technological innovation that affects our daily lives more than ever before.

Throughout the next decade, digital marketing will increasingly become the most important way to reach consumers. This is because of the rapid growth in technology adoption among people worldwide and the rapid expansion of internet access to developing countries.

In 2022, there will be three main ways that digital marketing will be used by businesses:

1. Digital advertising

2. Digital media management

3. Digital customer relationship management

The digital landscape is useful for marketing in 2022 because it provides businesses with a wide array of tools to help them reach their target audiences.

What are the best top 10 platforms to get free traffic for CPA marketing?

There are numerous different platforms to get free traffic for CPA marketing. We’ll go over the top 10 platforms and give you a brief overview of what each platform provides and why it’s great for your CPA campaigns.

#1: YouTube:

YouTube is the largest video sharing site in existence. It was founded in 2005 and has since grown to have more than one billion users. You can use YouTube with any CPA network, but the most rewarding method is using it with a Google AdWords campaign.

#2: Reddit:

Reddit is a social news aggregation website that has over 150 million visitors a month. It’s an excellent place to get traffic because there are several subreddits specifically geared toward CPA marketing campaigns.

#3: Facebook Groups:

Facebook groups are an excellent way to get traffic, as they are very popular in social media marketing communities. Facebook groups are also easy to set up, run, and manage. However, you need to be careful when using this platform because there is potential for negative branding if you aren’t careful about the type of content you post.

#4: Instagram:

Instagram is a free photo sharing app that allows users to post pictures and videos from their mobile device or directly from their computer. Instagram works well with a Google

#5: AdClickMedia:

AdClickMedia offers one of the most impressive selections of banner ads for you to use on your campaigns. Each banner has a unique animation and provides users with ample space for a website address or phone number call-to-action. This platform offers both US and EU traffic, so you can easily target all English-speaking nations with ease. You can also set up custom targeting based on keywords, countries, and even mobile devices. AdClickMedia also provides a rich variety of site lists to choose from when creating campaigns on their platform

#6: TrafficJunky:

This is a great platform to find high-quality traffic. You can get 1 million clicks each month free of charge.

#7. OnRaxx:

They specialize in driving traffic to your site, and they’re always looking for great offers. You can get 100 clicks per day free of charge with them.

#8: BuzzStream:

This is one of the most powerful tools for link building, giving you a huge advantage over your competitors in SEO. You can get 10 links from high-ranking blogs every month free of charge if you want to sign up with them.

#9: TrafficPayMaster:

This is a great tool to help you track your campaigns accurately, and they give you 250 clicks free of charge each month.

#10: Adpushup:

This is a good choice if you want your CPA landing pages to look professional, keeping users engaged and increasing conversions. They give you 2 free landing pages each month when you sign up with them.

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